Thursday, April 28, 2011

For 5/2: doesn’t like women who have their own condoms and I don’t like him

Read this. What prompts blogger Maya to put a bowl of condoms on her coffee table?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

for 4/24: Rania Matar - Recent Projects - A Girl and her Room

Look at these--
Rania Matar - Recent Projects - A Girl and her Room-- photographs of girls in their rooms. Where are the girls from? What might the photographer, Rania Matar, be thinking or wanting to say?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Option for 4/25: In J. Crew add mom paints son's toenails pink

Watch the video. What do you think makes people react so strongly to a boy with pink toenails? In the video, what kinds of arguments do you hear in support of the add, or against it?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

option for 4/18: Women making music in Pakistan

Female musicians in Pakistan. Listen to the story and the music here.

What challenges do these women musicians face? What do they sing about? Why do they sing?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Option for 4/11: Toni Bond Leonard

Who is Toni Bond Leonard? Each person who comments should say something different about her.