Monday, February 8, 2010

Required for 2/15 before class: Is live theater still relevant? (Sign last, as well as first name.)

Today we rarely see live plays--we watch DVDs, TV, and movies online, but we don't see live theater very often. Is live theater still relevant? Watch and listen to this audio slide show before you answer.


  1. In my opinion, I think live theater is still relevant. From the audio slide show, I saw from the pictures that Diane Paulus is a very, “actress director.” She said, “That she loves to see how theater can transform each other and translate that to an audience.” She likes to conquer the impossible and she has to have potential and faith to inspire these actors and actresses. I think that is something we do not see on TV or on movies.
    Live theater is relevant because like Paulus said, “They take facts from the plays and they want to tell history at the same time.” I think live theater is great because the actors/actresses are really passionate about their parts and they get to express themselves. Another great thing about live theater is that we get to see it live, not on a movie screen or on a TV, but actually watching and seeing them perform. It’s still relevant because look at all the actors/actresses and theaters that we have today and how many performances they have throughout the year. People may not know about them, but there are quite a few different live performances.
    I love going and watching different productions being put on at the theater because I get to see the actors and actresses actually perform it and experience the production in a different way.
    -Mary Buss

  2. I completely agree with Mary. Live theater provides a certain element of connectibility to the audience that no tv show or movie can. In my opinion, live theater draws the audience in, and makes them feel as though they are a part of the scene. In live theater, the audience can actually see the actors facial expressions and body language in exact detail.
    I would most definitely prefer to go and see a live production rather than a movie because of the truly unique experience that it provides to the viewer.
    -Heather Gaulke

  3. In answering the question of whether live theater is still relevant or not depends on who you ask. It is obviously very relevant to people like Diane Paulus, the actors/actresses, and the people that go to the theater. I think many younger generations may not find theater as relevant; its a personal preference. I do agree with the comments above in that live theater is a completely different experience. It just does not seem as popular as it used to be and this could be because it is not as relevant to as many people as it once was. Theater, much like everything else is an acquired taste. Either you like it or you don't. If you like it it's relevant to you; if you don't like it you could care less.
    - Krystal James

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree that live theater is still revelant. It is a part of our history, and should be recognized still. With all of the things they can do now live theater doesn't seem ancient or anything. There is a difference between live theater and watching a movie, but i think you feel more like you are involved in live theater. It give you a feeling of almost importance to be sitting there watching people perform live. Overall i believe that live theater is still relevant. ~Ashley Kimbro~

  6. Personally, I think live theatre is essential to the arts and more importantly expression. I might have a skewed view of this because I love to perform at my community theatre over the summers. So I very much enjoy seeing live theatre.

    I love how Heather put it that there is this "element of conectibility" between the audience and the actors. When you see a show like "Fiddler on the Roof", a show that has been around for many decades, but when you see it LIVE it is just one show that can never be recreated again.

    Live theatre is the best in my opinion. And I think there needs to be more younger people trying to see all types of live performances.
    - Cara DeMarlie

  7. I think that live theater is still very relevant in today's society. There are so many plays and musicals being put on throughout the world and Broadway is still very popular. I think live theater tells a story and expresses things that we can not get from television shows or movies. In the slide show, I noticed that Diane Paulus was a very passionate director. She's passionate about her work and it is very clear that she wants to make the shows come alive to the audience. Another reason why I think that live theater is still very relevant to our society today is because, when plays are being performed live, the audience is able to get a better feeling of what the play is about and the actors and actresses connect with the crowd. I will always believe that Fine arts and live theater will continue to play a relevant role for years to come.
    -Taylor McDonald

  8. I agree with Krystal live theater is still relevant depending on who you may ask. Older generations and people who love to act or perform might see live theaters relevance. our generation, and younger generations might not feel the same. Years back, all people had were live plays to get that entertainment they were looking for. Now that there are so many other ways to see acting such as movies, dvd's and television, it makes it harder for those people who love to act on stage, to get recognition. I do not mind seeing plays I think a play can give you a lot more than a DVD can. With television, you are limited to that one scene in front of you. With plays, there can be many things going on around you at once. I think live plays are still very relevant. (Erica Jones)

  9. LIVE THEATER IS INCREDIBILITY STILL RELEVANT! As if, my all capital letters didn't emphasize it enough, it is really important to see and be part of live theater.

    I am part of "TVM" this year, I am in the introduction as some of you may see and it is amazing to interact with fellow cast members, the audience, and the play itself. You are given the opportunity to make it your own and you make wonderful interpretations of the piece when you have the adrenaline rush of performing. You lose that adrenaline rush when you are being filmed.

    I find live theater to be a positive influence that shows people the way they are - there are no blue screens, special effects, or altered images. There is costume make-up, but that is as far as it gets. The symbolism and true meanings of plays can only be appropriately expressed on a stage.

  10. Sorry, I forgot to sign my name on the last comment. The one by KellyBoBelly318 was written by me,

    -Kelly Keating-

  11. I believe live theater is still relevant because it's very popular around the world. There are people who still enjoy being in someone elses world instead of their own for a while. Because every show and movie is on dvd, we are more prone to watch it that way and it's less money, so that's why it may seem like live theater is relevant. However, everyone would love to see plays on stage every now and then for a family trip, for inspiration, to get out and have fun and for entertainment. Like Diane said, plays bring life to the stage. I know that from personal experience with theater. Being in the same room while the art of theater is in process brings life, excitment, suspense,freedom and tons of attention to everything around you. The play becomes more real and you suspend your belief to feel what the actors are feeling.
    Everyone still love live theater. I wish I could attend one, but the price is so high, but here at Western I watch a lot of live, and I enjoyed being close and personal with the actors. You get a chance to experience actors coming up to you, the singing and words being live and right in front of you. If you take that away then no one will really understand the liveness of a play, and we can not forget actors and producers who life surrounds live theater.Live theater brings out a character in an actor and suspend the belief in a viewer, and that's why I personally think that live theater is still relevant.

    Katherine Hallmon

  12. I most definitely think that live theater is still relevant because there is something about a performance live compared to seeing it on youtube or dvd. And the reason I say that is becasue I have seen performances live, in St. Louis, Paris, and London and can compare those performances to many of the other things I have seen and they give a completely different feeling. I know that Rent gave a more powerful interpretation on stage than it did in the movie. Live theater gives a completely different message and I definitely think that if it disappears then we will be missing a huge part of our culture.
    -Lindsay Hummel

  13. Theatre is relevant in that it provides an outlet for the arts. However, the 21st century is more focused on special effects, and captivating audiences through illusion. Technology has changed everything. One important thing I believe that needs to be mentioned is that our attention spans are shorter, and in order to keep our attention we need to have more spectacles and fast-paced interaction. Theatre is methodical and it often moves at a slower pace, and because of our culture we no longer value time. Everything is right here, right now, or in ten minutes it becomes obselete. It would be nice to believe that theatre is still relevant, but I think the truth is, it isn't, unless it's a huge Broadway production with a multi-million dollar budget with high profile celebrities. Other than that though, local theatre seems to be on the decline.

    Angie Petersen

  14. I agree with everyone in that theater is still relevant because of people who make it their passion to update the classics for new generations and keep pushing the on-stage limits of effects and props. The art of onstage performance is competing with movies and TV so as amazing as the classics are, without all the over the top effects, they are needed to really capture and connect the current mind sets of the current viewer. The reason i believe that we do not indulge in live theater as much as we used to is the cost. Because it is no longer as popular and because you need to pay people for months of (almost) nonstop performance it is costly and people (especially now in the recession) would rather spend $15 on a DVD than $150 on theater tickets. I think that if theater were made more accessible to more people that it could become a more relevant medium and be able to compete with tv and dvds and youtube. People like Diane Paulus are keeping those people with some interest in theater coming back for more, and for those who aren't sure if its for them, shes keeping them at least slightly curious.
    -Jennifer Rose

  15. I believe that live theater is still relavent, even though it is also a personal preference. Live theater is something that we should try and help save because its a part of history, and because sometime we need a break from all the computer graphics in movies.No it may not be as convient as going out and renting a movie or as cheap as that but theater something that shouldnt be phased out. Our ancestors used the theater as a way to tell stories and to tell about other places/countries. I love seeing plays etc because you can feel so much more from the performance than from a movie. If theater was to disappear we would be losing something great and influential.

    Samantha Cale

  16. Live theater is very relevant. Although it may not be as widely popular as it used to be (it's become sort of a high culture), high school plays and other forms of theatre are still actively participated in and watched.

    My old high school is having trouble funding the school theatre. It's really too bad because high school plays are not only great for the actors but the audience. Their themes are beneficial to the whole human race.

    I enjoyed watching the Vagina Monologues the first time and this time because it is live. The Vagina Logues would really lose some of their spark with out an active participating audience and their ability to seem impromptu.

    -Kelsey Yoder

  17. I think live theater is very important for today's society. People work very hard to show people what they can do and to tell a story along with it. When watching live performances, it almos seems more realistic and natural. They don't get a chance to mess up their lines or restart. Performances started live. That is how people uses to entertain. The ballet, opera and musicals were major contributors to the arts. Just because society is changing doesn't mean that we should stop the traditional theater.

    -Jackie Hund

  18. I do not believe live theater is important today because we have so many other ways of seeing things that we may enjoy more than live theater. I agree that growing up in New York where live theater was stlll somewhat popular would make it interesting and fun for those who enjoy it. Growing up in a popular city would make it easier to go see live shows, and may have a different view on live theater than those living in the suburbs.

    -Brianna Hund

  19. I agree with all of the above posts, in that theatre is both very important and at the same time a bit irrelevant to society. Attending a production is an easy way to relax, and escape from reality. However, in today's society there are many different alternatives that people choose in which to escape. These alrenatives such as movies, concerts, and other forms of technology are more convienient, but are ultimately less personal. Live shows have a certain sense of excitement that one cannot obtain by merely looking at a screen. So much effort is put into the productions by the cast and crew and people should take the time to enjoy the result. I think that society should definately make time to keep theater and performing arts alive and popular.
    -Vickie Wilkin

  20. After watching the slide show of actress Diana I truely feel that theater is still relavent in today's time. I feel that theater is important because it brings out something that the actors never knew they had deep down inside. I feel that its important still because soceity needs positive people and also that positive impact now and days. Theater is still important because there are people who dedicate their lives to all various types of dance, and I feel everyone deserves to be happy and dance is what makes them happy! Theater is important because dance is important. Its like a way of life, it helps the dancers and actors feel free and it helps them express themselves in a positive way and enviornment. Theater is still very important to society, the actors, and dancers. Theater is a way of life, not an act or dance move.

    -Denisha L. Price-

  21. Theatre will always be relevant because directors are coming out with new plays all the time and finding ways to modernize classics. Although in today's society it seems that people would rather stay home and watch tv on their TIvo theatre is a different experience because it is live. Actors feed off of the audience's energy and get involved with the audience. ALso the audience feels more emotionally involved in what is happening. - Lindsey Belvis

  22. I think that theatre is still relevant. It is true that not as many people go to plays anymore, but they give the audience something television and DVDs cannot. When people go watch a theatre play they feel involved and feel like they are watching a story unfold right in front of their eyes. Some plays use the crowd's interactions and incorporate them into the story line, which can make even a calm play seem exciting. Plays also play an important role in history since it was the first form of entertainment befor televisions and radios.

  23. In todays socity i feel that live theatre is more of a activivty then being as important as it was in the old day. I feel that it is relevant for entertainment,but not to tell messages because of all the other media ways there are now. In my experiance i have only seen live theatre when i want a change and feel like seeing something that is diffrent. But its not the main way to express plays and diffrent acts of art forms now a days. So in a way im in the middle saying that it is relavent but in a diffrent way.
    ashley merchant

  24. I believe live theater is still relevant. Today in movies or things on screen you never know which part of the movie actually had a set or which part just had a green screen. Also, live theater is much more moving. It gets you into the act and almost can make you want to get on stage with the actors. It shows that people are still really talented and they don't just use stunt doubles all the time. People have gotten lazy and cheep and don't what to leave their homes to go see live theater. Also, it isn't always preformed everywhere so you may have to wait for it to come close to where you live but there are movie theaters everywhere so it can be because of convince.

    I think live theater is a way for a directed to change up the act how they want and perceive it. There is more flexibility to change things up and make it unique. Just like in the clip how she likes to take old acts and put in some new age hip hop or something to them. It is a good way to relate to this generation. I think if more plays got changed up a little more people would go see them.
    -Kristin Frondal

  25. I think theater will always be relevant in some way or another. Without theater people wouldn't get the full affect of a show. People woudln't learn to appreciate art or film without theater. A lot of theaters today are taking newer films and movies and turning them into a play or show. I think that is what's keeping so many people interested in theater. As long as theater stays up with the new age and the new styles of movies, I think theater will always be something that interest people.
    -Rachel Sitter

  26. In my opinion I feel that theater is still very relevant. I know many people that attend theater performances often as well as myself and thoroughly enjoy this form of art.Theater is a unique and thrilling experience being that it is performed live by actors and actresses on stage, instead of through a medium such as television or movie screen.In Diane Paulus's slide show she spoke about theater being an opportunity to bring people together, which i absolutely agree with. Theater is performed live in front of a group of people all watching and absorbing the same thing at the same time which brings a sense of unity to the group. I found the pictures of her theater performances in the slide show full of emotion and passion which gives us a sense of what what to expect in her productions. I think theater is something that should be respected and appreciated.

    Alyssa Hansen

  27. In my opinion I feel that live theater is still very relevant. Theater is very different then other types of medias. Theater is very concentrated, meaning there is no going back, if an actor messes up a line, or even forgets their lines for that matter. Theater is also very passionate. The actors and actresses put their whole heart and soul into each performance. Also every show will be different because of this reason. I really enjoyed how in the slide show Diane Paulus said that theater tries to reach an audience by telling a story, and that theater transforms and inspires the actors and the audience. I also agree with Alyssa that theater is performed live, that is what makes it so great to watch, because you never know what can actually happen.
    -alexa stel

  28. I definitely think theatre is still relevant because it shows emotions to audiences. It gives people great experiences that cannot be had through watching movies or television. Diane Paulus states that a play is way to tell a story and i agree with her completely. I feel that a story told through theatre can be understood by everyone and has a way to give people a great experience.
    ~Rosie Oberth~

  29. After watching the video and reading all the comments, I would have to agree that live theater is still relevant in society. Even though live theater could be considered old fashioned because it has been around for a very long time, society and actors/actresses are finding ways to transform theater into the modern world. Most people do like to stay at home and watch shows on their tv's but they do not get the same experience as when they attend a live show. Live shows engulf your attention and they connect you with the show in a powerful way. - Courtney Dennis

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. After reviewing the audio slide, I would definitely say that live theater is still relevant throughout the world. Live theater gives us a deeper understanding and sends out a very powerful message. We can wrap our feelings and emotions into the live performance,giving a sense of connectivity and comfort. I agree with the above statement from **Brittney Sallis**, that Live theater takes us on a journey and makes us feel at one with the actors. Lastly, live theater can always relate to diverse individuals either through the message of the play or the role of the characters.

    ~Croshana Floyd~

  32. While watching this audio slide show its clear that theater is still relevant. I feel that sense it is becoming more rare, that in its self is making the experince of going even more unique. The passhion and experince the directer had that brought her to where she is now was amazing. I think her childhood was pure insperation for her today.
    -Kara Flower

  33. I think theater is still relevant. It gives more emotion than other media's. Acting in front of people takes more dedication from the actors, because its live. Which allows you to connect more with the characters.
    -Chasity Sandidge

  34. Theater is very relevant. The majority of people are watching DVD's and television, but theater has never appealed to the majority of people, it has always had its own faithful following. Quality theater isn't after the DVD crowd, it's after people who appreciate true talent and a unique performance. The majority of all blockbuster films are just reproductions of things that have already been done, but theater is immensely more creative and because of where you see a play and with which cast, there is always a unique experience. Movies are entertaining in their own way, but they will never compare to theater. There is nothing like a live performance, the energy and delivery that a trained live actor can give is something that movies cannot come close to acheiving. And as long as there is some shred of culture, there will be theater.

    -Dustin Burnaugh

  35. I think that live theater is completely relevant. Like a few people have said you can sit at home and watch TV, a movie, or listen to music, but it is nothing like going to a live show. When talking about theater so much more emotion gets emitted when it is live. Also, it does take a little more talent because there is no cut and a redo. There is also the feeling that you get when you are sitting in a theater watching a live show. You feel as if you are a part of the show. There are times in some shows that the people will come off of the stage to the audience or when there is actual participation. Also, if theater was no longer relevant people would not be building new theaters, like the Chicago Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier. I have seen a lot of theater productions and I think for those who have not seen one they are missing out.
    ~Rebecca Dudzinski

  36. I think live theatre is very relevant. I love going to live productions of any sort. I just really enjoy being there and having that sense of, as Rebecca said, participation with the cast. Live theatre is exciting, sometimes people mess up and it can't be cut because it's live. There is the emotional connection to the cast and story that just isn't there with movies. I've seen people openly sob at plays (Women's Minyan, here on campus.) It's something I love to watch and think it is completly relevant.

    -Taylor Adams

  37. I totally think that live theater is still relevant. Especially in big cities people are going to broadway or other places to see theater. I have actually see a lot more theater ever since I have been in high school. I went to all the school plays. Going to the vagina monalougues seemed like theater to me. Now I am in a theater class so I get to go to all sorts of shows. Theater has always been exciting to me and it is amazing just to see what the actors and actresses do in their time to shine.

    ~Jaleesa Burton

  38. I agree with everyone who has said that live theatre is still relevant. A few years ago I was lucky enough to experience four broadway plays in New York City. I personally think that there is no comparison between seeing a live performance and seeing it on a dvd. Being a part of the audience made me feel like I was a part of the performance. It was almost like the "real world" vanished for the duration of the play and I was a part of "their world." This semester I am taking my third theatre class at WIU because I enjoy the material so much. It is exciting to witness actors and actresses perform different roles. It amazes me the variety of roles actors can portray because although I love to watch the shows, I am a terrible actress. Being a part of the audience during live theatre is interesting to me because I enjoy to watch other members of the audience reactions as well. There is a strong connection between the audience and to the performers during live theatre that is not the same when you watch a movie.
    -Christine Lowe

  39. I agree with mary I also think that theatre is relevant. Its different than watching people act on tv or in movies. Your right there by them in the same atmosphere so its like you right there along for the ride. I think when you watch a theatre production that it relates to you more because the actors dont have all the touch up like they do on tv or the visuals effects that the computer does for them, so you can relate better to whats going on. The energy that you see from the actors and the spunk that the actors and actress is amazing and you dont see that in movies or tv shows.
    -jennifer nicol

  40. Monica Mickel

    Yes I feel that live theartre is very much relevant in today's age. To see somethig live on stage and to get that opurtunity to connect with the actors and feel the emotions is incredible. A movie just can't give you that, I movie can spark emotion but not as much as something live can do.

    Monica Mickel

  41. I love live theater and I think it is relevant and will be in the future even if technology is taking over. I think people relate to live theater more than on a screen because it is real people telling us stories and facts like in the Vagina Monologues. It makes it feel like you are really there and experiencing what is happening first.
    -Elizabeth Leonard

  42. I believe that live theatre is still relevant today and I do not think it will go anywhere. I remember in grade school taking field trip to go see some of these performances and everyone was always so excited to see them. It is just a lot different from watching a movie because it just makes the story more real and I get way more into it because its right there in front of me. It takes so much talent to be able to perform like these people do and I respect that a lot and it is such a great form of entertainment which is why I think it will never go anywhere.
