Monday, February 15, 2010

Required for 2/22 before class: A Feminist Valentine. Sign full name.

A Feminist Valentine

Comment on this blog post linked above. You may chose to analyze the video.


  1. I enjoyed the short clip a lot. I value that the clip was saying and the meaning behind it. I think it was a very creative and refreshing approach to a serious problem between partners with a lack of communication. The message is so important and it is nice to see that as a community we can work together to end sexual abuse.
    -Kara Flower

  2. I thought the video was really cool and creative. It outlines the fundamentals to having and sustaining healthy relationships in one's life. I say relationships because some of the components are applicable to other relationships outside of dating. For example communication and the yearning for respect are also very important in friendships and relationships with one's family. The absence of either component inevitably will lead to the demise of the relationship. Overall I found the video very enjoyable and relevant.
    - Krystal James

  3. I really enjoyed this video, the message is very important, and I think that they picked the perfect holiday to center it around. Women (and men for that matter) are surrounded by the idea of love, sexuality, and relationships during the time of Valentine's Day more than any other time of the year. I think it is the perfect time to try and change the norm of what a relationship entails. It is time that it becomes a positive thing for women to speak their minds, to be sexual, and to be treated with respect from their significant other. In my opinion, this was a video with a very powerful message.
    -Heather Gaulke

  4. I thought this article and video was really interesting. The idea for THE LINE campaign was really original to me. The idea of communication between all partners about where their "line" is is something important and needs to be talked about.

    To put it with Valentine's Day is a smart choice too because a lot of people in and out of relationships are celebrating one way or another. The candy hearts video was so creative! It really stuck out and made me want to watch more.
    -Cara DeMarlie

  5. I thought the concept, article, and video about the "Line" was very clever and necessary. In today's society Valentine's Day has become more of a marketing holiday geared towards merchandise, presents, and cliches. The video showed how important communication is in a realationship in a unique way. By talking to your partner about things in your relationship you gain greater respect, trust, and understanding for each other. These things are what relationships are about, not material things. By talking about your boundaries or lines in your relationship your partner will get a greater understanding of who you are and your values.
    -Victoria Wilkin

  6. I thought that the concept of The Line was very meaningful and it is good to hear of things that The Line stands for being brought up in today's society. I really enjoyed the short video and thought it was very creative. It's nice to see the whole concept of Valentine's Day in a different light. I feel like Valentine's Day has been made into a Hallmark holiday and many couples do not focus on what really matters in their relationship on Valentine's Day. Every concept that the video brings up is very important and couples should focus on communication and more important things such as respect. It was nice to see a female displaying words and phrases with the candy hearts because it represents what females want in a relationship with their significant other. - Taylor McDonald

  7. I thought the video and the concept of the video was very neat, but the most important thing is the messege there trying to get out. Like the writer says Valentines Day is often times one of thoose days where you dread going through it especially if you don't have a mate so to take Valentines Day and promote another messege of consent,respect,and communication is great. Like Taylor above me stated it was nice to see a female in the video but I would have liked to see a male as well because this does not only affect women but also men.
    -Monica Mickel

  8. I thought the video and overall concept of the feminist valentine was very creative. people do not always focus on important things that matter in relationships such as communication. I also agree with Taylor that the message was that people should focus on respect in relationships as well. people get too wrapped up in the whole Valentine's day idea. this is a way to have another view on how Valentine's day should be celebrated. The video showed how she was demanding to be heard. I felt there was another message behind it, which is to enjoy being you, even if you do not have a significant other. She is tellin those out there who may hate going through Valentines Day to be heard demand repect and love yourself.(Erica Jones)

  9. I think that this idea of THE LINE Campaign is awesome. I have been in my relationship with my boyfriend now for almost 3 1/2 years and these are things that I never think about any more. The sexual relationship is just there and never talked about. I am sure we are not the only couple that has that. There is respect in our relationship, but with THE LINE Campaign I am sure that thinking about these things and talking about them that it will improve the relationship.

    The other thing I found interesting in the video is the type writer sounds. The effect takes you back and make me think about the "olden days" and how on TV & in life respect was a huge part of the relationships back then, like sleeping in two separate beds.

    ~Rebecca Dudzinski

  10. I liked the clip a lot. It was all about what one women wanted in a relationship and that she should have a say what she wants out of the relationship. It was very creative because most people use things with words on them to make sentences and not shapes and larger words. Its like she was looking past what was on the heart for what the economy wants us to say or ask on the hearts and make them our own and what we want to say or ask. It was a well thought out clip and I enjoyed it.
    -Kristin Frondal

  11. I actually like this article a lot. This is one of my favorite. It sorts of relates with the whole V-day concept a little. I really like how soceity is talking more about women's sexuality and what they go/went through in their sexual life. When I watched the video I love the powerful meaning in designing words out of heart candy. One part I liked is when the girl made the word "Trust" out of candy and took the bowl and poured it over that word. Just by her doing that shows that she either don't have trust for herself or people don't trust her. I really really love this video and the whole concept of Where's Your Line? I am actually thinking about joining it.

    -Katherine Hallmon

  12. I love this idea because it tries to resolve this feminist issues which is women being seen as sexual objects not sexual beings. By having women taking back there sexuality, they will demand respect and more likely receive it. If women claim their sexuality, it might not resolve the issue of sexual assault completely, but it will encourage the women of the world to use their voice and to decide yes or no.

    The video really interested me even more because it was artist and it felt so honest and real. It wasn't threatening and it showed an average young women who you could see was struggling to choose things to say about her sexuality. It made the point of the whole project so much stronger for me.

    -Kelly Keating-

  13. The main reason of this video was to emphasize the Line Campaign. This Campaign is trying to end rape and sexual assault. And is trying to say that it is ok to talk about your sexuality. The Line Campaign is asking all women and women that have been sexually assaulted: where is your line, set and respect women's boundaries, and ask for consent. I agree with Kelly that this video felt so honest and true. That this could be any woman deciding who they are: are they real, are they a sexual being, trust me, ask me, I want pleasure and respect, and especially consent. I also enjoyed how she used heart candies to illustrate her point and in the beginning how she pushed aside the heart candy "marry me" because that is not what she wanted. And to me that was the most powerful and important part to the whole video because again it is empathizing that women need to set lines for themselves, boundaries, and men need to respect their decisions.
    -Alexa Stel

  14. I found the LINE campaign to be very interesting. As many others have already stated, it is creative and new. They are trying to spread their ideas through the media, which is great because we know how much the media influences people and how many people watch/hear the media today. I also thought the message they are sending to us about communication with our partners and letting them know where the boundaries are is excellent. The campaign goal is to help end rape and sexual assualt, and communicating is one of the first things to do.
    As for the video, it was great! When I think of Valentine's Day, I usually think of love, chocolate, candy, and flowers, but I think after watching this video, it will stick with me. All the things the woman wrote out of the candy hearts are what she wants, and also for people to be comfortable talking about their sexuality, and for that to happen communication is huge key factor.
    -Mary Buss

  15. I think that the Line Campagn is very interesting and is very important for girls to relize that thier needs to be a boundary in the relationship they have with thier partners. I think alot of girls dont think about what they are looking for in and relationship and at times afraid to bring it up to thier partner. So in a way I think this Line campagn helps women see that they should put that line up and tell thier partners what they want in thier relationship and what they are not looking for. I agree that communication is a big part of a relationship and it is also the hardest to keep up with in a relationship.
    ----------Jennifer Nicol----

  16. I really liked this clip. It is very true and has a fresh new approach. The message it sends is something that needs to be out there. Communication is a huge part of a relationship, and consent is very important. The campaign is to help snd sexual assualt and rape, and this was a perfect time to get that out there. Like i said before communication is very important, sometimes for people verbal communication doesn't come as easy as it does for others. In the clip there are no words spoken, but the message still get accross. Therefore it also shows there are other ways to communicate other than verbalizing. Ashley Kimbro

  17. I think most people their relationships for granted. We don't really think about setting boundries, because alot of us think we can handle whatever comes along. I think the campaign is truely unique and is something that we have been wanting. Especially for women, setting boundries can prevent sexual assault and even raise their self-esstem. They will know who they are, what they stand for, and what they want. Communication is key, and by bettering that, all people will be less stressed, and be able to respect themselves more.

    -Jackie Hund

  18. The article about "The Line" is very good. I believe what it is saying about everyone in any sort of relationship need to communicate. A lot of people who have been in a relationship for awhile take them for granted. Like they believe because they've been together for awhile there is no line or that it doesn't need to be talked about. Everyone has a line whether they've been together for years or weeks or are just "hooking up". I believe everyone should be able to talk to other about what they want or dont want. I also believe that communication is a key to a good and healthy relationship. This campaign is a good idea because its putting out there that its okay to talk about what you want and that communication is a very vital thing.

    Samantha Cale

  19. I think the video does a great job of identifying with many other women. It was good to see that not only was she spelling out what she wants from a sexual relationship, but she was also spelling out who she is (a sexual being) and basically saying that it is ok to be what she is spelling out or it is ok to expect what she is spelling out in a relationship or a sexual encounter. I think the message is positive.
    -Lindsay Hummel

  20. First of all, I dont really think people understand the true meaning of a relationship and the components of it. It goes beyond physical and financial stability. I really enjoyed the video clip as well as the article beacuse it shows just that. I feel this a creative way to convey a very important message to society that communication and respect is vitally important in many different ways within any type of relationship. There is a such thing as "boundaries" and respecting the needs, wants, and feelings of others!

    ~Croshana Floyd~

  21. The first thing that caught my attention was the picture that said "I am a sexual being." Not only was it direct, but the candy kind of made it feminine and different than other phrases. After looking at the picture, I read the short article. The most attention grabbing part was "The Line", encouraging women to talk to their sexual partner about their boundaries and lines they do not want to cross. It is simple phrase, yet very powerful for women. I believe women everywhere should have "A line" when it comes to their partner. Most people are not psychic, and can not tell what the other wants without taking about it. This proposition can really help women to realize that it is ok to share with someone what you expect sexually.

    -Brianna Hund

  22. Watching this video really showed me what I would like in a relationship. I was just in a long relationship and now that I am not in one anymore I have realized what I really want from my relationship. I was not respected as much as I should have been and there really was a trust issue. Now after watching this video I know what I what I want out of my next relationship.

    ~Jaleesa Burton

  23. All of the people above me made good points. I think men AND women need to be able to better express what they want and need,relationship-wise,and sexually as well.If a man is going to far,or not going far enough,female input is always going to be a good thing.Regardless of the hyper-sexualized media messages,when it comes to reality,not corporate ploys,Alot of people are still ashamed and scared of "sexuality",whether it be there's or others.This makes it difficult to properly communicate sometimes,so encouraging dialogues about sex in general will always be a positive thing.


    I remember getting little boxes of those digusting candies during vantines day,and wishing that the teachers who gave them out would stop being so cheap. Is chocolate that expensive?Really?

    -Darwin Little

  24. Creative outlets are the best way to express true feelings. i felt that it was simple yet effective way of putting the message across on how a HEALTHY relationship should be like. I am in one now and have relized that we are on the right track, which made me very happy. Also with the video i feel that it shows how important communication is in a realtionship and how you need it if one wants any succes.

  25. I truely enjoyed the vidoe clip of the young lady thinking of several ways of comunication within a relationship (gays, hetro, and etc.) any type of relationship. I feel the line is a great movement to prevent sexual violence or any type of violence in a realationship. Communication is the key in an relationship that anyone gets involved in! Communication would help a relationship progress. This is what what a community need as well to stop violence within. The video clip was a very creative way to put out the importance of communication because this is needed to live a healthy lifestyle and live in a healthy environment!!!!

    ----------> Denisha L. Price

  26. I liked this short video a lot. Girls always learn about how to say know and when to draw the line, but bringing it up on Valentines Day is clever. Most young girls really value Valentines Day and believe they need someone special and need to do something special on that day. I think this shows girls that you can say no and draw the line, even if it is on Valentines Day. The words they showed with the candies were words that should mean importance in any healthy relationship, and if a relationship doesn't have any communication than it probally isn't a healthy relationship. By showing these guidelines to a healthy relationship,it should help girls look for a good guy and avoid sexual violence.
    -Jesica Perrone

    I also forgot to write my last name on the post from last week, so it just says "Jesica says"

  27. I think the idea of the line takes Valentines Day to a whole new level. I like it because I always thought Valentines day was a cheesy holiday that was just created so the government could make money off of couples. The idea of the line is interesting because it focases on being able to show where you want your limits drawn. I also really liked the short clip, I think a lot of time in relationships we feel compelled to have sex with our partners frequently or that they have control of our bodies because we are dating them and the video reminds us that we are our own person and we should have limits. Overall, I think the idea of the line is great and very creative.

    -Emily Ridyard

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  29. Valentine's day is a cheesy holiday that was created not by the government but by corporate business. It's despised by so many that it should just be disbanded yet it won't be. "The Line" has endless possibilites but...
    -the question is "Would any of us have heard about this if it was not for this class? Are they really getting out the message of communcation, consent, and the rest the campaign stands for?" We surely cannot say it has revolutionized Valentine's day because very few have heard of it.
    Even just watching the video without the subtext wouldn't get me were I need to be on understanding "The Line." I'm not sure the video really sums up their cause very well. I think it's a good idea and it's worth a shot but it doesn't seem like the perfect approach to all the issues that come with sex.

    Kelsey Yoder

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  33. I like the video. I think it is a very cute and non-threating way to aproach a subject that a lot of people are very uncomfortable talking about. Everyone needs to be able to be open and communicate with their partners. Not only what their line is in terms of sexually, but in all aspects in their lives. The line campaign aimed at ending sexual assault and rape. People who have been sexual assaulted might have lines that are different from others. Things that wouldn't bother others can be triggers for them. They especially need to be able to openly communicate what is ok and what is not.

    -Taylor Adams

  34. I like the fact that they are doing the documentary "The Line". I think the message being sent is that not only are boundaries acceptable, they are mandatory. There is need for sex, sexuality, anything sex related to be discussed. As long as it remains taboo in this country to really talk about sex openly and honestly, sexual violence will continue to be a problem. I agree with Taylor, the clip was very non-threatening. The actress appeared to be a young girl, and I thought that was a good choice. I took an adolescent psychology course last semester, and one thing that we learned is that adolescents need to be educated on sex, particularly those between the ages of 11-15.

    Angie Petersen

  35. This article and video were very creative. The whole concept of "the line" was a very cleaver way to combine all of those words with the love holiday, Valentine's Day. Although most of the time I consider Valentine's Day to be a cheesy Hallmark holiday, the line showed me that Valentine's Day is still a day to show those you love that you care about them and are thinking about them. Basically I think this article and clip are saying that communication is the key to all relationships. Without having good communication skills with each other, a relationship will not survive. When you're in a relationship it is easy to forget about this and the important things. This is an important message, and all of us need to be reminded of it often.

    -Christine Lowe

  36. This short video clip was very cute and creative. It outlines all the important things about sex and relationships. Consent is very important when it comes to sex, especially for those girls that have been raped or sexually taken advantage of. There should be way more awareness of consent, therefore people will think before they try to take advantage of someone. Communication about sex is very important and people should be open to talking about it with their partners.
    ~Rosie Oberth~

  37. I enjoyed watching the video of the young girl because it could be viewed as a very positive clip. All of the words she chose to produce from the candy hearts, were all things needed to be discussed between a couple. The short clip was also a easy and creative way to approach this problem in the world. I enjoyed viewing the short clip very much.

  38. I thought the short video was very creative and had alot of meaning behind it. I think that it is a message to all and the things she wrote shouldn't be taken lightly. Being open with your partner is a very big key in any relationship.

  39. I think THE LINE campaign is a good idea. Especially for females that are in relationships. I don't understand why anyone would be in a relationship with anyone if their is no open communication. I think that the campaign should also be targeted to more than just Valentines Day. If someone is in a relationship they need to be openly communicating about sex.
    -Chasity Sandidge

  40. I thought the short clip was very interesting. I really showed another side into the girls idea of love and relationships and shows that we are not all about the corny romantic valentines. We have other thoughts as well. It really gave us more a voice.
    - Kelsey Nichols
