Saturday, January 16, 2010

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Is Lady Gaga a feminist? Read this. In what way is Lady Gaga a feminist? Is it really possible for a pop singer to be successful and be a feminist?


  1. Lady gaga is a feminist because of a music and recent videos she depicts alot about empowering women. That is not afraid of how she dresses or acts. epecially in one of her interviews she explain how her music depicts it. Gaga does view her music as a liberating force when she says there nobody like her, and there never was, that is a statement that she wants every women to feel and make about themselves. She has alot to show and to prove to people that she is a feminist and to show that women isn't weak because of her success by portrying it in her musicvideos and lyrics. It is possible for a pop singer to be feminist epecially if they sing about it an show it alot and say they are then yes it is very possible its just a matter of proving it. -Chanse Ellis

  2. Lady gaga is a feminist because of a music and recent videos she depicts alot about empowering women. That is not afraid of how she dresses or acts. epecially in one of her interviews she explain how her music depicts it. Gaga does view her music as a liberating force when she says there nobody like her, and there never was, that is a statement that she wants every women to feel and make about themselves. She has alot to show and to prove to people that she is a feminist and to show that women isn't weak because of her success by portrying it in her musicvideos and lyrics. It is possible for a pop singer to be feminist epecially if they sing about it an show it alot and say they are then yes it is very possible its just a matter of proving it. -Chanse Ellis

  3. I would have to disagree with Chanse just because of the recent music videos and performances that Lady Gaga has filmed. She displays a lot of blood and violence following an interaction with a man in her music video Paparazzi. This implies that sex and violence goes hand in hand with women. In the video, the man takes Lady Gaga out to a balcony and continues to kiss her until suddenly he starts pushing her over the edge attempting to kill her while she is struggling. In her live performance of the same song she displays a murder scene of herself being covered in blood. There is no way I could ever see Lady Gaga as a feminist because in my opinion her actions are offensive towards women. She makes women appear weak or dependent on men in these two situations and they both have a lot of provocative outfits and gory endings.
    -Lindsay Hummel

  4. I would have to agree with Lindsay, Lady Gaga can say she is a feminist but in her recent video Love Game she displays herself basically naked with two guys next to her. That shows that women are linked to sex or being sexy. In the lyrics she says, "I would kiss but if I do I might miss you," when I heard this it made me think she was trying to say she needs a man to be happy. I don't think you could be a pop star and a feminist because in the media today sex sells. If you want to be popular or get noticed you almost have to look sexy or sing about sex. Lady Gaga couldn't be a feminist. She links men and sex to women and she doesn't show how strong woman really are. A woman doesn't have to dance around half naked to get noticed so now that she is popular she should try to start putting more cloths on and stand up for women if she wants to be a feminist!
    -Kristin Frondal

  5. I think it is possible for a pop star to be successful and be a feminist but in my opinion, I do not think Lady Gaga is a feminist. In this article, she states that she is one but in past interviews she has done, she has said that she is not a feminist. For example, in an interview that she did for a Norwegian jounalist (that I found on the web), she said this comment, " I am not a feminist- I, I hail men, I love men. I celebrate American male culture, and bars and muscle cars..." In many of Lady Gaga's music videos, I feel that she is portraying a poor image of woman. I agree with Lindsay when it comes to the music video Paparazzi because I feel that music video is very violent and it has a lot to do with the female (Lady Gaga) being a part of that violence. In her music video for Bad Romance, there is a scene where she is being pulled around and seems to be stuggling. She gets water forced down her thoat, she seems like she's in pain. There is also a scene in the video where she stands alone in a circle dressed provocatively surrounded by men. I think that the way Lady Gaga portrays herself in her music videos is not very feminist like. She has her own unique style but I feel like a lot of her performances and music lyrics have a lot to do with sex. She is very talented and unique but in my opinion, she portrays herself as more of a sex object rather than a feminist. - Taylor McDonald

  6. I think that it is sort of hard for a pop star to be feminist, but in Lady Gaga's case I do not see her as being feminine at all! I remember talking about Lady Gaga in my previous Women Study class. Her performance, Paparazzi, at an awards show,and the video, got her a lot of recognition, and it wasn't the good kind either. In paparazzi, Lady Gaga is nearly naked and has a lot of violence going on in a her videos. Her Paparazzi video shows that a women needs a man and if she doesn't have one by her side,she goes ballistic. I will have to agree with Lindsay when she mentioned that Lady Gaga make women look weak and needy. Prime example, "Promise I'll be kind. Won't stop until the boy is mine. Baby you'll be famous, chase you down until you love me..." I don't think that's an example of femininity at all. However, It is sort of hard to be a successful feminist pop star. Today's group of people don't want to hear conservative music. They want to hear things that are sexy, groovy, and life related. You rarely hear of any pop stars that don't at least chase after men or have some sort of violence related. We, as the audience, make it hard for the artists. That's why I think Lady Gaga thinks she a feminist because she thinks that she is not holding anything back like many women singers are doing.

  7. I believe that Lady Gaga definitely pushes the envelope on many issues relating to women that have been historically taboo. For example, she does talk about sex alot and she has even admitted to being intimate women/liking women as well as men. In many of her videos she kind of flips the script by having the woman be the aggressor instead of the man as we have become accustomed to seeing. In the Bad Romance video as well as the Paparazzi videos she kills the man. Her tactics are a bit extreme or violent in nature but I believe that she does this in order to reject the damsel in distress, weak woman stereotype. In some of the comments above people quoted lyrics in which she talked about chasing or needing a man. I do not feel that these lyrics make her weak at all. As humans we all experience love to some extent and you may find yourself in a position where you have become somewhat vunerable or emotional resulting in the ending of that relationship;etc. I do believe that Lady Gaga aims to empower women as well as encourage originality which constitutes her being a feminist to some extent in my opinion. Its okay to be different. Just because you express vunerability or say you love men does not make you any less of a feminist; these views are the kinds that negativitly depict all feminist as being man bashers/haters;etc. As a pop singer she can be a feminist because she has so much influence over so many people. More people may listen to her because they like he music and feel that they can relate to her.
    - Krystal James

  8. Above comments are wonderful and all get to the heart of the matter. It's not such an easy question to answer.

  9. What do you make of Gaga saying:
    "I find that men get away with saying a lot in this business, and that women get away with saying very little . . . " (see link)?

  10. My personal definition of the hard to define word “feminist” is one who fights and announces freely that they wish to empower women and equalize the differences between the sexes. This would be something most women and men could stand behind but being a feminist has its stereotypes clinging closely.

    It is difficult in today’s society to be a sexual woman with needs/desires and not be a sexual object. Although Lady Gaga is very much a sexual object in one of her videos mentioned earlier [she dances nearly naked in a ring of men], she is also showing that women too have the need for sex and can be sexually liberated. I agree Lady Gaga “pushes the envelope” and this is a good thing. However with her status and wealth, she has the opportunity to completely free herself from that “envelope” and really take a stand. Her first step would be to define what she believes in… publicly. From her videos and lyrics, her feminist stance (if she has one) is not clearly defined. We as the public viewer receive mixed messages from her about women, men, their relationships, etc. I do not believe there is anything wrong with her risqué outfits or interaction with men on videos as long as they are justified. Her actions and choices need to be justified first with herself. For Lady Gaga not to be a sex object, I think she must first decide that she is not and it will show through her art.

    There is definite potential in Lady Gaga to be a pop singer who is a prominent feminist within our society today. The labeling of Lady Gaga as a “feminist” needs to come straight from her mouth. She’s no Ani DiFranco [yet] but Ani’s a folk singer and not so heavily watched by the public eye. We could definitely use a pop singer and historical icon with a feminist agenda.

    As for the most recent quote, it's interesting that she says "women get away" with little talk. She could mean that women can say less and make a big impact. But then again it could be that women must say very little. I'm undecided on that statement.

    -Kelsey Yoder

  11. I believe Lady Gaga does a good job at empowering women, but her approach is very liberal. Some feminists fight against women in music videos and how they are portrayed. Lady Gaga does bring up a lot of important issues that women deal with, but she does it in a way that causes controversy in whether she is a feminist or not. In her video "Bad Romance," she brings up the important issue of sex trafficking. In this video she portrays the women and being strong. Usually in sex trafficking the women are held against their will and forced to be sold. In her video she is seen "strutting her stuff" to show off to the men. When she gives one man a short lap dance they all start bidding for her and she seems to be enjoy men viewing her as a sex object. In her other video "Paparazzi," she also takes on the role of a strong male, when she murders a man instead of being murdered herself. Most music videos show women and sex objects and I do not think Lady Gaga's videos do anything different. In most of her videos she can be seen wearing lingerie or being partially naked. This goes along with other music videos that portray women as sex objects, and I think she realizes that sex sells and she has to be sexy to stay popualr in the pop music industry. It is also ironic to me that she constantly calls her self an individual and tells women to find beauty in themselves. Since she blew up on the music charts she has dyed her hair blonde and become the typical thin, dolled-up, blonde pop star that she seems to be preaching against. I do think it is hard for her to be a feminist and a pop star since being sexy plays such a big role in the industry. She is trying to get her messages across to empower women, but she is also trying to stay popular.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Although everyone makes very good arguments, I have to disagree with those who feel her lyrics prove she is a feminist. I agree with Krystal these lyrics do not make Lady Gaga weak, but simply human. Everyone wants to feel loved whether it be male or female, there is nothing wrong with that. As a woman especially, it is in our nature to be sensitive, caring and wanting to feel loved. She may talk a lot about sex and violence, but she is showing women have the right to do that too. When a man does it, it’s no big deal, but when a woman decides to speak on such topics, so many people have negative views on it. I feel Lady Gaga has the right to speak on whatever she wants. At the end of the day sex and violence sells, which is why she is becoming one of the most popular artist of our time. I agree with Kelsey, there is nothing wrong with what she wears as long as its justified. I feel she is comfortable in her skin and, if she wants to take a risk and wear them, then let her. She is simply expressing herself and showing it is ok to be unique. In a way Lady Gaga is giving us both sides of being feminine, the vulnerable side, and also the strong independent side. I think she does a great job at representing women and constantly promoting being different, however this does not make her a feminist. I also feel It is possible for a pop artist to be successful and a feminist because music is about expressing yourself and plenty of people might feel the way she does, and a true fan will support her music no matter what.

  14. She's more of a feminist because she's powerful and in control. She has a lot of creative control. We have many opinions.
    Holly Stovall

  15. I feel lady Gaga is one of a kind in our generation. I find strong similarities between Madonna and Gaga. Those would be their boldness and unique style. Gaga gives off a strong sense of independence and strength which I feel is an important quality to obtain when being an icon of such a wide fan base.How ever I do agree that she may over sexualize many of her videos and costumes.
    -Kara Flower

  16. I think Lady Gaga is very strong willed and has much more control over her career and her life than a lot of the other women out there in the pop music industry. I would say she is feminist in the way that she sets an example for how to be strong as a woman. I also think that just because she dresses sexy doesn't make her any less of a feminist. Just because you dress sexy doesn't mean you are doing it for the men. Lots of girls dress sexy for their own self image.
    - Kelsey Nichols

  17. One thing that I reconginized in class today was the constant debate on Lady's Gaga's traits/actions that make her a feminist. I heard that she is too violent, she is too skanky, she is to feminine; she is not a feminist. And then we hear she is violent, she is strong, she is hard; she is a feminist. Yet, we never defined what we consider a feminist and the ideals that follow.

    For some people to claim that someone is not a feminist because she is sexual, or that she identifies herself as a sexual being seems odd to me. So does a woman who shows her struggles with a man and becomes strong through violence.

    So far, I hate to sound like a cynic, but I disagree with everyone's reasoning. I understand where you are coming from, but let's look at it from a different stand point.

    A feminist, no matter how you define it, will be in the genre of activism, or one who fights for a cause, and ultimately one who is battling against current societal issues (it is societal issues because you can not solve woman issues without the help of man). Lady Gaga is battling the paparazzi's infatuation with women's bodies and sex lives. She is battling the societies hatred of any sexual orientation besides heterosexuality. She is battling the norm of today.

    I can't say yet if she is a feminist or not. She is still evolving. But all I know is she is an activist who is shattering the narrow-minded class ceiling over today's youths.

    -Kelly Keating-

  18. I think Lady Gaga is a feminist. She does not fit the stereotypical feminist, but isn't that what being a feminist is all about? She breaks out of the norm. Her videos revolve around a man or men but do they end with one? She realizes in the end of Bad Romance that she doesn't need a man to help her out in life, she's got it all under control on her own. Sometimes I think feminism and being a feminist can be looked at to deeply. Back to square one, a feminist, wanting equal rights as a man.
    -Kelsey Bowman

  19. Although Lady Gaga does not fit the typical stereotype of a feminist, she does possess many qualities that do support this claim. Women in today's society tend to all conform to common trends and do things often just to please others. Lady Gaga may come across as a crazy woman with bizzare outfits and music videos, but at the core she has feministic views and presents them in a unique manner. Instead of her conforming to most glam outfits like most celebrities, Lady Gaga chooses to wear outfits that cause a stir. Her provokative choices all have meaning behind them. For instance in the Bad Romance music video she is resisting the pressures of others, and eventually gets strong enough to overpower the male. In comparison to other music videos, women are always the weaker sex, and often seen in the background. She does take an intresting approach to make her points, but overall her ideas seem to stem in feminism. Women should not feel the need to conform and should be comfortable in their own skin and Lady Gaga has a very unique way of presenting this, but I believe it gets her message across.
    Victoria Wilkin

  20. I absolutely think it is for possible to be a famous pop singer and be a feminist as well. Especially Lady Gaga. Although all of her costumes and videos are different from the "ideal" pop singer, everyone represents freedom of expression, and to give a new voice to women to be proud of who they are, and to be strong as well. I believe part of the reason she is so successful is because she is a feminist. Her way of expressing herself so dramatically speaks a message to all of society and shows us that women are portrayed more negatively than men, and she shows us how proud we should be. Most people do not know that her representations have a secret meaning, such as her Paparazzi video, which is supposed to show how the paparazzi ruined Princess Diana. Lady Gaga wants society to see how negative women can be portrayed, and by having that person to look up to, I think is exactly what women need to boost their self-esteem.
    -Jackie Hund

  21. I would have to disagree with Lindsay because in my opinion I believe Lady Gaga is a feminist. Yes she does have outrageous outfits, but she does design each outfit herself and also writes her own songs. Women are taught in our society to take up little space and be prim and proper. Lady Gaga is pushing out of those boundaries and going out of her comfort zone, to portray that women do not have to be confined to this four wall box society tells us to be. I agree with Jackie I also believe it is possible for Lady Gaga to be a feminist and be very successful because she is voicing her own opinions and she is very powerful. Also in many interviews with Barbra Walters and Oprah the viewers see that she is just like you and me: she is a real true person. And I believe that many people do not consider her a feminist because the media only illustrates one side of her: the entertainment side, not the real true Stephanie, that is trying to tell women it is ok to take control of situations, to push down those boundaries, and take up a great deal of space in our society.
    -Alexa Stel

  22. Lady Gaga is more of a feminist because she always control the situation and she's more of a powerful woman. She's a very creative and confident person who knows what she wants. Lady GaGa don't want women being afraid to express themselves and speak out on how they feel about things. She's very independant in majority of the things that she does. The reason I say this is because she writes her own songs, she designs and create her own costumes, and she makes her own themes about her own songs. In the music video "Bad Romance" when it started out, she was being taken control of BUT she wasn't complying. At the end she was the one in control and running the situation. Lady GaGa wants to make majority of women step outside of the box and express themselves emotionally and mentally. She wants women to have the same rights as men because she feel women should be treated equally. Stereotypically a feminist is the type of woman with short hair, gay, and baggy pants but who says that women cant dress sexy even if they are for women rights or not. Lady Gaga is different in her style, the way she thinks, and the way she presents herself. Yes, I feel she is a feminist but she's not walking around looking like a man, but she does take control of any situation she is in. I love the way she thinks and how she is standing out and for women in society today!!!! --------> Denisha L. Price

  23. I agree with Denisha L. Price on Lady Gaga being a feminist. She really wants women to be who they are without outer influences. I also agree with Denisha's comment on Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" video. Lady Gaga Portrays a sex figure to men, also showing the way men look at women when they are dressed in a provocative way. I saw Lady Gaga on 20/20 with Barbara Walters last night, telling viewers she purposely likes to stand out and be different. When Denisha states Lady Gaga is in control, I would have to agree. Being in control is a major part in feminist, and Lady Gaga will never be taken advantage of.

    -Brianna Hund

  24. Lady Gaga is a feminist because she chooses to show women in power in her music videos. Throughout the video she gains power. She starts off being controlled and being a show for men but at the end of the video she burns a man alive in her bed. Even though Ladg Gaga is a feminist she will still be very successful and already is.
    ~Rosie Oberth~

  25. I agree with Kelsey in that it is very hard to actually give meaning to the word "feminist" with one single definiton. I think that it is a very complex word that can mean different things to different people.

    I personally do believe that Lady Gaga is a feminist because of the woman she is behind her "character." If you listen to her in any of her interviews, whether she is claiming to be a feminist or not she is very strong minded and in control of her life. I believe that a feminist is someone who stands up for women's rights in the sense that they should be equal to men. I also believe that being a feminist is being able to be your own person and be who you want to matter what society or anyone tells you to be like. Lady Gaga is extremely unique and very unpredictable. But, there is one thing that we can always count on with Gaga and that is her being herself no matter what anyone else thinks. She gives a lot of women (and men) the confidence to be themselves, even if that means being weird.
    I believe that she is a new type of feminist. She has a new way of portraying feminism that I feel many women can relate to.

  26. Heather and Kelsey already beat me to the punch with the saying something about "What is a feminist". I think we all hold that word differently and we have different ideas of what it really means.

    For me, Lady Gaga is a feminist. She has a lot more control of her career than many artists in her genre do.

    There was some comments about her previous videos and how scantily clad she was in those. But I think she used her earlier videos and songs (ie, Poker Face and Just Dance) to get her foot in the door. And with her immediate success she was able to use her fame to create, pardon the pun, "monster" that is Lady Gaga.

    There is this image that is "Lady Gaga". But when you listen to her interviews there is this whole other side that makes sense.

    I'm a huge fan of hers and I look up to her as a intelligent and creative woman that is breaking the barriers of the music industry. In that regard, she is a feminist.
    -Cara DeMarlie

  27. I agree with Heather where she says, "that she is a new type of feminist and many women can relate to."
    I think that Lady Gaga is a feminist. She may not be a "hard-core" feminist, but she is standing up for women and she possesses many feminist qualities, in her own way. In her music videos, she may not start out in control, but in the end she shows us that the women can be in control of their situation. She is also a feminist because in everyday life she is openly bisexual and supports women and men, who are lesbian and gay. So she is standing up for women's rights and their equality.
    I believe that it really is possible for a pop singer to be successful and be a feminist. It may be hard to be both, because the media and entertainment may portray the pop singer to be very "skanky and slutty" person with their music. However, if that pop singer is in control and a strong person and stands up for what they belive in along with women's rights and being considered equal, then yes they can a a successful pop singer and a feminist. Look at Lady Gaga, a feminist, she does stand out with her clothes and hair styles, she is different. There are many people who love her music, support her, and look at her as a role model because she is standing up for women.
    -Mary Buss

  28. I believe that Lady Gaga is a feminist, no she isn't your sterotypical feminist. In her music videos she is showing that women are treated not as humans but as property and she also shows that women have overcome that. She is showing the progress women have made since the womens rights movenment. In the beginning of the videos she is usually being controlled but through out the video she gains control and is the one in charge. Lady Gaga is a feminist because she has control over her music and her music videos. She is a strong person and stands up for what she believes in.
    -Samantha Cale

  29. I don't know much about Lady Gaga besides what we discusses in call on Friday, and the things I have ready very recently. From what I have heard so far I don't believe she is a feminist. Like some others stated before a lot of her costumes are very revealing. We discused in class that she has a point to all of her costumes, but if you don't know that about her, than they are just making her a sex symbol like a lot of other pop stars. I had no idea that she created and had a point to every costume! I believe she is just trying to be different, not a feminist. She may have some traits of a feminist, but i don't believe she is a femininst. It does seem in a lot of the songs she is needing a man to be happy, and that isn't true. -Ashley Kimbro

  30. I have to agree with Samantha Cale when she says "no she isn't your stereotypical feminist." But I have to go a little bit farther away from the idea of her being a feminist. I don't really believe that she is a true feminist. I do agree that she has feminist ideas, but I think that those ideas are mixed in with other non-feminist ideas. I believe that the statement she made about women needing more power in the pop industry is along the feminist lines and a very true statement. I do hope that she takes charge and keeps her input in her own career and by doing so influences other women in pop to do so thus make it less of a “man’s business”. The only problem that I have with calling Lady Gaga a true feminist is because of her image that she gives off in her music and videos. A lot of her songs on her first CD “the fame” have to do with needing a man. Also, the image that she gives off a lot of the time in her pictures and videos are very sexual with the outfits being barley there. I know that she designs them and has reasons for it, but I think that she can get the same ideas across if she did not play into the typical almost naked outfits that a lot of the female pop stars wear.
    ~ Rebecca Dudzinski

  31. I am not a big Lady Gaga fan so commenting on this matter is a bit difficult. After talking to a few of my friends who are HUGE Lady Gaga fans I have come to the conclusion that she is not a feminist. Lady Gaga may be original and strange but that doesn't make her a feminist. I think she gained the respect of her male audience just for being beautiful and wanted to gain the respecct of her female audience so she started calling herself a feminist. If you listen to the lyrics to one of her popular songs; "Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick." how does that demonstrate women power? Or even women equality? For all the Lady Gaga fans I am not saying she is not unique or original, I just don't believe that she's a dominant woman figure who should be speaking on behalf of other women.

    -Emily Ridyard

  32. With this situation i seem to get in a state of confusion but come to conclude that i think she is also in this state and in a way a pop artist trying to be feminist that will not completly ever get there. In a way she will never completly get there becasue she will have to always go to the degrading lines of dressing sexy simply because that is the industry that she is and will always be confined to simply because sex does sell. But in other ways she still finds ways to gain some power over that situaion because she then finds reasons to and gives her degrading outfits purposes for the way she looks. As in her video she wore the sexy clothing but then had ways to back up all her outfits so that it didnt make it look like it was only set up for her industry but to express herself as an empowering women. For the way that she has been dealing with this feminsit issue i feel that she will continue to be succesful because she has found an equal balance between being a feminist and not, a balance that the outside world is ready for. For example if there were a strict very stright edge feminist i feel that there sucess rate would not be good at all because that is what the audiance is waiting for, and lady gaga has approched the issuse so that it dosent even seem like she is assosiated with it.
    -Ashley Merchant

  33. After reading the above comments, I find myself on both sides of the matter. In some ways, Lady Gaga is portrayed as a feminist and in other ways, she is not. I think that her initial goal is to empower women and inspire them to do the same; women need reassurance and support when it comes to these situations. I also think the way Lady Gaga goes about her music videos and has a lot of say in what she is doing is very empowering, yet the outfit she designs for herself in her videos could bring up the argument of her not being a feminist. I understand her goal to show women that just because the media and the world expects you to dress a certain way doesn't mean you can't be powerful, but it also makes me think she is not a feminist for dressing the way she does. She's "conforming" with what society expects.

    I do think its possible for Lady Gaga to be a pop singer and be successful as being a pop singer that is feminist; I just don't know if she's going around it the right way or if she is. It's a very complex situation.
    -Courtney Dennis

  34. After reading the article and reading the previous comments i think that Lady Gaga in certain ways comes off as a feminist. When it comes to her music videos and her music I think that she portrays a feminist. In her video Bad Romance she first starts off as a "monster" and then is transformed (by society and others) into a beautiful sex object for a man. She is being transformed into what a man see and as what a man wants. She is not being herself and is being forced in a way to become something she's not. I also think that at the end of her Bad Romance video when she burns the man shes with, she's being a feminist because she is showing the world and women that you don't necessarily need a man in your life. But I don't think Lady Gaga is being feminist by her music style and by being a powerful women in the music industry. I think that she is just a unique woman and has a unique sense of style and taste, that by all means to me is not being feminist. I also think that a lot of male singers and performers in the music industry are threatened by her because she does have such a different sense of style and is unique and isn't afraid to show that. But I agree with Courtney and in a way go back and forth on the question. In a way Lady Gaga can be a feminist but in others I don't think she is at all.
    -Rachel Sitter

  35. After reading the previous comments as well as both of the articles about lady gaga and her possibly being a feminist, my personal conclusion is that she is not either feminist or anti-feminist. She has her moments of empowerment for women, supporting the LBGT community, portraying herself as a strong woman in her music videos but then she also has her traditionally feminine side that doesn't necessarily mean that she is lowering the standards for women in any way. She is the artist, so what is being portrayed in her music videos have meaning behind the message she wants connected to her lyrics. There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to dress sexy, even if it is for a man, or to be a product of society because there is no one alive that isn't. I think that she is the societal norm in terms of her feminist actions, she is openly quoted as saying she is not a feminist, so i think she is just a strong, powerful woman who wants to be an artist on her own terms, there is no label needed.
    -Jennifer Rose

  36. This is going to be hard for me to comment on somewhat since I am not female and I have limited knowledge on EVERYTHING it takes to be a femanist, but I don't believe for a minute that her songs reflect her being a femanist since she has rejected that word in the past. She can be seen both ways by viewers who watch her videos, but music videos don't necessarily give away the fact that she'd be a femanist. I think her videos only can be identified with a select group of women, not women in general. Most of the femanists I have encountered have striked me as extremists and in my opinion her videos reflect her strenghth as a woman. I have to agree with Rebecca when she said that she says a woman needs a man. It seems ironic to give her such a title. Even if she does support women in some cases, she still seems to acknowledge and support men in some way. So calling her a femanist is a bit hard for me to understand.

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  38. I would have to agree with Nick on how this will be hard to commenton just because when I think of a feminist I think of standing up for women's rights & making sure that women men are treated equal. So I guess that I would hve to say that I don't think that Lady Gaga is a feminist especially if she has denied it in he past. People say that there is a message in her videos, but I am not getting it all I just think that they are wierd. At the same time though I do think that she is a woman that knows what she wants in life & wil do anything to do it.
    -Jaleesa Burton

  39. I personally don't know much about Lady Gaga, just what I've read on the blog posts and what I saw in the video we watched in class. I don't feel that I have enough information to be comfortable with forming a concrete opinion.

    What I have gathered is that she is a performance artist. She focuses on visuals and her act is somewhat of an interpretive dance performance. She is similar to Madonna in the sense that Madonna's music is not award winning material, but, to her fans, her live show is a force to be reconed with. She's an entertainer. Pop music defines itself in the title, it's "popular." Things don't become popular by breaking down barriers and challenging paradigms, they gain success by doing the same thing over and over. People, for the most part, are afraid of change. To quote the great Phillip J. Fry: "Clever things make people feel stupid and unexpected things make them feel scared." Lady Gaga is a pop star in the sense that her music sounds exactly like every other pop star before her, but where she stands out is with her "bizarre" outfits and costumes. Her costumes and live performances aren't groundbreaking, performance artists and interpretive dance professionals have been doing the same things for years, but she has brought it to pop music where everything is incredibly formulaic. Most pop stars are told what to wear, how to act, and told what songs to sing and how to sing them. She claims that she writes her own songs, which would be a great thing, but who knows if it's true. Media is micromanaged with unbelievable scrutiny. Between PR and the many other branches of corporations concerned with how they can make the largest profit, everything is carefeully crafted to keep from offending any possible race, ethnicity, gender, etc., as well as how to make the most money. Pop music is a "business" as Lady Gaga said herself, and as a business the main concern will always be money. If she wants to make a difference and be a true role model, she's in the wrong profession. As to whether or not she's a feminist, people are too quick to attach labels. When people attach labels they're usually based on a fraction of the person's true identity. Lady Gaga is a facade; she is a celebrity and no one but her closest friends and family members can truely know the real person behind the songs and costumes. She could write her own songs and really believe in the things she sings about, or she could be just another pop star doing what she's told, and this time their puppet is "edgy" and a "feminist." People need to stop looking for role models in celebrities and turn their gaze to the people who truely make a difference and break down walls and glass ceilings. More recognition needs to be given to unsung heros like teachers, social workers, protesters, and the people who are out every day fighting for civil rights. To all the crusaders for the subjugated who aren't evading photographers, they're driving home in used cars to apartments or cheap houses, living lives of utter anonymity, only to wake up and fight the same fight for an end they may never see in their lifetime. Lady Gaga is an entertainer, she's not a role model. If she really does write her own songs and cares about the progress of women then that is fantastic and I applaud her for trying to bring change to such an unwavering business. But the real change needs to start at the source, the girls and boys, men and women as individuals. People need to stop looking at everyone else to make a difference and make one themselves.

    -Dustin Burnaugh

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. After reading the article, I believe that Lady Gaga is a feminist because she is very empowering to women. She is in an industry in which she is in the public eye constantly. Lady Gaga has made a positive image on women in this society because she has a voice and opinion on what she wants in her songs and music videos. In the article she mentions how men get away with a lot in the music industry and women get away with very little, but Lady Gaga is now an exception. Women can look up to her because she has stepped out of the typical sterotype of a female artist and has created a unique image for herself in her songs and videos. Her success can motivate women to follow in her footsteps. She is a feminist because she wants to show that men are not superior to women. Women need to have a voice for themselves, not only in careers that are in the public eye, but for every career. With Lady Gaga as a pop star one might argue and say that pop stars can not be feminists, but I believe that she has come much further than any other female artist in the music industry today. After I watched her "Bad Romance" video for the first time I did not think she was because of the standard revealing outfits that pop stars wear in music videos, but once we discussed the video in class my opinion changed. Sex still sells in any industry, but Lady Gaga does a good job balancing both. It is obvious that Lady Gaga is a strong-minded women after seeing several interviews of her. She isn't afraid to make a statement, which is a hard thing for a lot of people to do. Lady Gaga is putting herself out there and I think she is getting a lot of positive feedback by doing so. Pop stars such as Britney Spears has been in the public eye for years now, but has not made a positive image for women. Our sociey needs a positive female role model. I think that Lady Gaga will continue to be considered one, and that we will see much more from her over the years. She has the power to influence so many people. She speaks her mind and stands up for what she believes in. She isn't afraid to make a bold statement. I believe those are the qualities of a feminist.

    -Christine Lowe

  42. After reading the article i still wasnt sure if i thought lady gaga was a feminist. Just because of the fact of how she dresses and portrays herself in her videos. But after our discussion in class, it definitly opened my eyes to the fact that she is. I have never really followed her in the news or media, but if i would have i think that my opionion would have been that she is a feminist in the begining. Discussing in class that she makes her own outfits and that she has a reason for everything she does on and off stage, really opened my eyes to a different lady gaga than what meets the eye. I now feel that she is every much so a feminist

    Jamie Powell

  43. Based on the article, I was not convinced that Lady Gaga is a feminist. But after looking at some of her videos, as well as some pictures, I find that most of them have a feminist view. I think that they are metaphors for what she means. Her videos do not come right out and say, "I'm a feminist!", but they give a background to what her point means through sarcastic metaphors.

    Chasity Sandidge

  44. In order to really classify Lady Gaga as a feminist, we first need to define the word itself. A feminists is a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. Now I personally believe Lady Gaga is both a feminists and non feminist. Lady Gaga is not a feminists because she conforms to what men view woman as sexual beings and compassionate (as she states in the link). She's also a feminists because she expresses herself through her clothing and music and lives outside the norm in this particular aspect!

    -Croshana Floyd

  45. I've never really given Lady GaGa much thought. To me she seemed like just another pop star but this time, instead of bubble gum pop it's art pop. It all seems so forced and I really don't think she has any more freedom than any other pop star. Whether or not she, as a person, is a feminist I do not know. The character of Lady GaGa has been cleverly crafted. This character is a luminal figure. That is, she exists between two definites. Gay and straight, hard and soft, pop and art, feminist and not. She is purposely undefinable. She is marketed as edgy but her music is non threatening. Everything about her is dualistic. Therefore as to weather or not she is a feminist it can't be defined because she is purposely undefinable.

    -Taylor Adams

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I agree with Taylor from the comment above. Being a feminist is undefinable and I have never really thought about it that way. I thought you were either a feminist or were not. Everyone's opinion of what a feminist is can be different and as for Lady Gaga, I do not believe she is a feminist at all. She may be original and call herself a feminist but some over her videos are sexually violent and even though there may be an underlying meaning or historical context to the video or song (i.e. "Paparazzi" and the connection to Princess Diana's death) the meaning is not evident and most people would not know the connection unless they were told it. She may be a strong woman but I would have to say she is not a feminist in my eyes.

    Elizabeth Leonard

  48. I think in a way that lady gaga is a femisnist, the reason why I think this is how she represents herself and how she trys to make herself stand out from what other women in her business looks like and how they act. She is trying to break free of what our culture and our media is portraying of women and how we are suppost to act and look like. From how she dresses in her music vidoes from how she acts in them is some what of a way she portrays a kind of feminist. Shes showing that she is breaking free from the norm and going of in her own direction, shes trying to show women that we dont have to be this sexual object and yeah she shows skin in her music videos but every costume she wears is to reperesent something. Also her music videos shows that she is being controlled but in the end she always breaks free from it and thats another thing she trys to show us as women that we can break free from the norm

  49. Lady Gaga is a feminist. Today in class we talked about how she is represented in the media. I would also say that Lady Gaga is a character, not a real person. May be she is using pop music as a vessell for something down the line in her career. The market she has reached is in the millions, and if she has an agenda for her future that didn't include music, she has created a demographic for her alone. She has the world wondering is she or isn't she a feminist. Again, another example of controlling her own image. In a traditionally male dominated industry, Lady Gaga has found a way to incorporate her looks, her style, and her vision of what she wants the world to see, all the while making good pop music. That's another thing, she writes her own music. All of these qualities are possessed by feminist. In concrast, Brittany Spears is a well-oiled machine by industry standards, and as Dr. Stovall pointed out; Lady Gaga would not have been accepted in the 80's, whereas Brittany would have. I think she plays by her own rules, and she has a vision of what she wants in her life. I fully believe she is a feminist, in provacative clothing--because that is what she has to do to be taken seriously in the music industry. Somewhat ironic actually, in order to be recognized in the pop music genre you have to look a certain way, esthectics are first, and your actual musical talent is secondary. So she did what she had to do in order to penetrate a male dominated industry by using her sexuality in order to be heard. Being comfortable with your feminity is an asset. In a sense she has broke through the glass ceiling, which is a tenant of feminism.

  50. Forgot to sign my name.
    Angie Petersen
