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Love Your Body: 2010 Poster Contest Winners
Which of the 4 posters shown ON THE LINKED PAGED (not here--these are just some examples from this year and years past) would you have picked as winner for 2010? Now, click here, and decide which poster you like best out of the winners from the last 10 years.
What is it you like about the posters you have chosen?
Out of the 4 posters from 2010 I really liked the best the cookie cutter one. It stands out from the others because it's real materials and it looks like a photograph rather than a painting like the others. That and the idea is cute and the slogan at the bottom is creative.
ReplyDeleteAnd of the past winners my favorite was the 2008's winner. It has a really good look to it and I like how all those words make the outline of a woman's body. And just like the 2010 one, the slogan is really creative and it makes sense for the image.
-Cara DeMarlie
The poster that I would have chosen to win would be the one of the woman dancing with the yellow background. It was the first one that caught my attention, and I just kept coming back to it while I was looking at the others. I like it because you really cannot tell what ethnicity she is. It makes it very equal, and I also like that she is a bigger woman. It shows that true beauty is not just a size 0. I thought that this poster was extremely artistic, and very moving as a viewer.
ReplyDeleteOf the past winning posters my favorite was from 2009. Even though it was the most simplistic of all the posters, I think that it had the most basic and important message. "Be you (tiful)." I just loved this poster. It was very easy to understand the message, and I think that it would get the point across to anyone that looked at it.
-Heather Gaulke
I would have picked the poster with the woman on it that says, "when life throws you curves, embrace them." I like that the poster is simple. I can see the woman's body and the curves and the poster is telling us to not worry if we have curves. We don't need to fret about not being so skinny. We should embrace our curves. Our beauty is on the inside and its natural for women to have some type of curves, that's the way our bodies are.
ReplyDeleteOut of the past poster winners, I like the one from 2007 the best. It is simple and straight forward tells us, "real beauty doesn't have a price tag." I think it's creative how the main point is right there in black and white,"real beauty comes from within." There are not any pictures on the poster, but I really like the message that the author put on the poster, because it really speaks to me.
-Mary Buss
I enjoyed all four of the posters but if I had to chose only one I would have to go with "when life throws you curves, embrace them!" Because I think it is short, and to the point mean while carrying such a strong message. I am a woman full of curves and it took me a long time to accept and embrace them! And I think it is heart breaking to see beautiful women have low self confidence because they have natural hips and thighs. So many people want to be stick thin, when that is not the only definition to beauty!
ReplyDeleteKara Flower
I agree with the ladies above, my favorite poster from the 2010 entries was the one that says " When life throws you curves, embrace them". I would have chosen this one as the winner. I love the quote because it is so clever and feisty. I also love the message behind it which is that we all should embrace our bodies and ourselves in general instead of covering ourselves up and sheilding who we really are. It is important to be comfortable in your own skin.
ReplyDeleteOut of the winners from the past ten years I really liked the one by Calvert. It has a woman's turso made of words with a tape measure around it. I thought this was so cool. It's really creative; I would've never thought of a design like that. Overall, they're all great with amazing messages behind them.
- Krystal James
Out of the 4 posters from the 2010 contest I really like the Category 2 poster in which says when life throws you curves embrace them. I really like this poster because the concecpt of women loving the skin there in is a big thing in society today. Everyone wants to be made to fit a fashion models size and realistically everyone isn't made that way.
ReplyDeleteOften times people who are bigger than the society view of normal than there treated differently or sterotyped against take Jessica Simpson for example. I think category 2 should have one eventhough category 1 poster was nice as well.
Thanks for your comments so far. I'm enjoying them.
ReplyDeleteOut of all the of 2010 I really like Shannon Wu's the one with cookie cutters. I think it represents society well or what women think they should be like. All uniform with a certain size and form but really we all come in different sizes and shouldn't try to fit in one form because we won't be able too.
ReplyDeleteOut of the old winners my favorites are Crystal Holiday's poster of 2004, Stephanie Black's poster of 2003 and Anita Govic's poster of 2001. They all had a kind of quality that drew my attention to them and it is the kind of art I like to view but everyone is different so it is a good idea to change the artist of the poster each year.
-Kristin Frondal
I would have picked the poster that looked like a women dancing. The women just looked like she really loved herself and looked so free and I feel like every women should feel like that. Out of past winners I liked the poster with the price tag. It starts off asking why do women pay for all these things to supposidly make themselves look better. Then it ends up by saying that true beauty is with inside. I wish more women would believe that they are beautiful and stop buying all these superficial things.
ReplyDelete~Jaleesa Burton
I liked the poster that won in 2008. Just how the poster is created and the setup caught my eye. I liked that the artist made a womans figure out of words that arent physical features but desribing words. Like personallity, peace and heart. And it says "what are your measurements" Its stating that size doesnt measure who you are, but what makes you who you are are what kind of person you are on the inside. Its just very inspiring to me.
ReplyDeleteJamie Powell
I would have picked Sarah Neuser's poster from 2010. I liked this one because it shows a woman with curves which is how a lot of women actually look. I like the meaning behind it and the message saying when life throws you curves embrace them. It's like she is playing off the saying when life throws you lemons make lemonade. That message pretty much means when life gets hard make the best of it. I think her message basically means the same. If you have curves then be proud of them, make the best of them. She is saying so what if you do not look like what society wants you to look like, just be proud of who you are. Being a woman with curves, I like to see positive things like this about my body, when there is so much negativity about being over a size 5. I have a lot of respect for this poster and love how it represents women around the world.(Erica Jones)
ReplyDeleteOf the four winning posters, I really liked the cookie cutter one. I really liked that it said that a body is not a mold, because that is very true. A lot of girls think they should all have the size zero body with no curves but for many girls that is not possible. Not everyone is going to have the same body so you can't always compare yours to everyone elses. Of the other posters from previous years, I really liked the one that listed the different prices of what you could spend your money on if you didn't spend it on beauty things. I thought it was very interesting and unique because a lot of people don't realize how much they are actually spending on making themselves look good.
ReplyDelete-Kelsey Nichols
Of the 4 I really liked the Beauty is not a mold one. I just feel like it hits most areas. No one should look like another person, that just takes individuality away. It says to me that everyone is beautiful in their own ways. If we all looked the same how boring would our world be. As for the past winners I really liked the one from 2007 with the price tag. It is just so true...beauty doesn't have a price tag and it shouldn't either. Women spend so much money trying to alter their apperances, and they forget what is really important...the beauty with in. Ashley Kimbro
ReplyDeleteI liked Stephanie Black sign about the things women spend their money on to change themselves instead of using the same amount of money for greater and more reasonable things. A good one was the price of breast implants could be replaced with a college tuition. I love how she give the viewers an idea of how much more important things are and what we could do with our money instead of wasting it on changing the way we look. I never knew the price comparison of how much we spend to look like someone else. This poster is amazing and It caught my interest because of the simple message. We as women could be doing a lot more things with our money, but instead we choose to waste it on a fairy tale look. The poster helped me see how deep a women would go to give up their originality.
ReplyDelete-Katherine Hallmon
I loved the poster by Sarah Neuser. I just love the quote: "When life throws you curves, embrace them." It's so simple but with a touch of wit. I also really liked the classy, elegant ballgown the woman is wearing in the background, which her curves fit into beautifully. I just really like the elegance, I guess it also follows my bias of seeing simplicity and elegance as beautiful.
ReplyDeleteAs for my favorite poster from the winners of the last ten years, I choose Stephanie Black's 2003 poster. It is a perfect portrayal of how much women give up their lives away. Any person would love to do at least three of the activities on the right side list, but they can't because they blow their hard earned money to buy almost all of the crap on the left side of the list.
-Kelly Keating-
I would have to agree with Kelly. I loved "When life throws you curves, embrace them." It is so simple, but portrays a huge message. The photo of the woman reminds me of Marilyn Monroe, and she had fantastic curves. It is a beautiful drawing which portrays the message very well.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite poster is from 2003, by Stephanie Black. She stated all the uselss and pointless things women do to make themselves feel more glamorous, when there are more important things you can do with the money you spend. I don't spend any money on my nails or makeup. I know plenty of women that would enjoy things on the right side of the list, rather than the left.
-Brianna Hund
My favorite from the 2010 winners was the "when life throws your curves, embrace them" by Sarah Neuser. I don't think it necessarily means curves as in hips, but if you gain a little weight that you should embrace it and accept it. We shouldn't frown upon our weight but embrace its shape and the sizes it comes in.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite from past winners is by Beryl Roda which says "real beauty doesn't have a price tag". It is basically a list of all of the things women do to enhance their beauty (tanning, plastic surgery, etc.) All of these things cost money and time. Being naturally beautiful, inside and out, doesn't cost a thing.
Jackie Hund
For the posters for 2010, I really like the cookie cutter poster. It is really simple and easy to see the message. The "beauty is not a mold" message is both shown literally with the cookie cutter but also meant to be as in that women should be comfortable with themselves and not need to fulfill standards or expectations. I really like the poster from 2008 as well. I like that the words are all fitting and are shaped to look like a body which is neat and different. It shows that women should be measured in more than just phisical measures. There is a lot more to women than just the body itself. -Victoria Wilkin
ReplyDeleteI would have picked the cookie cutter one for the winner this year. I like how it shows that one cookie that different from the rest. It shows that it is okay to be different and that we need to respect others. I also like that it looks like a photograph not a painting it makes it more real.
ReplyDeleteFor the past years winners I really liked 2008's winner. I like that the woman's body is made up of the words that makes her whoever the body is portraying who she is. It shows that women are more than just looks. It also shows that women need to be seen for more than just their outward appearance.
Samantha Cale
From viewing the four pics I would definately have to pick the cookie cutter picture because the quote that was put on the side of the picture is so true and it hit that spot after you got a good understanding of it. This picture is also unique in its own way. This picture shows that it is ok to be yourself and do just live life without always focusing on beauty. You can live life to the fullest and still be beautiful. Its just wanting women to know that they can do what they have to do throughout theri life and still be considered a beautiful individual. The overall message is stating that women should be comfortable with themselves and within. Being beautiful shouldnt be the first priority on a woman's list because its more to life then trying to impress people.
ReplyDelete------> Denisha L. Price
I liked all of the posters except that Poster that said love your body with women as the letters. It made it seem like all of the women were working out and that women should work out in order to love your body. I really liked Shannon Wu's "Beauty is not a mold" poster because it's basically telling you that beauty isn't about being like everyone else, and its about being true to yourself. It's inspiring. I would have chosen that one to be the winner.
ReplyDeleteOut of the last ten years I really liked the poster from 2003. It really depicts how women spend so much money to be "beautiful" but what they don't realize is that they already are.
Courtney Dennis
Out of the four posters my favorite is the poster that won, which says "When life throws you curves, embrace them." The picture really shows the womanly form and it's good motto for life. It's telling women to love their body the way it is, and embrace imperfections.
ReplyDeleteFrom the last ten years I really like the poster that says "Be You tiful." I think it's really important to be yourself, and that is considered beautiful rather than being fake and pretending to be something your not.
My favorite was the poster that won for 2010: When Life Throws You Curves Embrace Them. I agree with Jesica that this poster is telling women to love their bodies inside and out. Women should not have to worry about stretch marks or love handles: just embrace them. Women are suppose to have curves this is what makes us different from men. Our society needs to understand that women come in all shapes and sizes. We are not all bones and sticks like the actresses in the media. Women should embrace their curves and not try to hide them.
ReplyDeleteThe poster I like from the last ten years: I Love Me by R. Scott Reyes, 2002. When women look in the mirror they should see a beautiful and successful woman. But unfortunately many women feel that they could change something about their appearance: they are not satisfied with their image. It is very important to love yourself and women need to remember that beauty comes in all different shapes and sizes: that is what makes us all unique and different. You need to love yourself before you can love anyone else.
-Alexa Stel
For the 2010 posters, my favorite one was the one that had the little girls on it who are lifting weights, doing yoga and playing sports that spell LOVE YOUR BODY. I like this one a lot because it sends a good message to keep healthy and girls can do what boys can do too.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite poster from the last ten years was the 2006 winner that had the Statue of Liberty on it that reads "Give me your curves, your wrinkles and your natural beauty yearning to break free." I like this because it sends the message that you will be free if you accept your body. This is from the quote that is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty that says "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to break free." I think this is inspiring and gives the same message that woman should love their bodies.
-Elizabeth Leonard
I really like the message of body image in the poster that says "When life throw you Curves, Embrace them."All women are beautiful in their own way and that doesn't mean they need to be skinny. I would choose this poster as the winner because it is srtistic, creative, and has a positive message about real women's bodies- Lindsey Belvis
ReplyDeleteOut of all of the poster winners for 2010, I liked the cookie cutter poster the best. I really like how it is unique in the sense that the poster displays food in order to get the point across that not everyone looks the same. I love how it says "beauty is not a mold, live your life, love your body" because it reminds girls that in order to be beautiufl, you dont have to fit the mold that society puts on women.
ReplyDeleteAs for the past winners, my favorite one was the one by Beryl Roda, Grand Prize Winner
Silver Spring, Md in 2007. It displays a price tag and talks about the price of beauty. At the side it has a list of beauty things that women pay for to be beautiful but the point of the poster is to make women realize, why would you put a price on beauty and pay for all those things to make yourself "beautiful" in societies eyes. Why is it diet pills and tanning salons that we spend our money on the be beautiful? The poster makes women realize it is not the material things we buy or do that make women beautiful. It's living a happy life and being content with yourself and your body that makes women give off true beauty. - Taylor McDonald
I really like the When Life throws you curves, embrace then poster. I like it because the woman isn't as skinny as a twig. I like how she has curves. I also like the what measures a woman poster. I like how this one is showing there is more to a woman than her appearance and size. I think this one is very symbolic of women. Those two are my favorite but I think all the posters are symbolic and show there is more to a woman than the way she looks. I think the cookie cutter one is really different. I like how in a way society paints a picture on when a woman should look like but in reality women should and are different and should express themselves in their own unique way.
ReplyDelete-Rachel Sitter
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ReplyDeleteI love the one that says when life hands you curves that you should embrace them. Becaue that statement is so true and every aspect that you look at it. It brings up a strong women becasue curves are truly beautiful and should be embraced instead of critizied and hated. And with those curves that you may have with your body you should embrace them and stand up for who you are, and show that you are proud of who you are and that your not afraid of it. All of these posters were amazing, and i love all the creativity that was put into all of them. Great idea for a competition.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Merchant
For the 2010 contest winners, I liked the cookie cutter poster the best. This poster stuck out to me because of the uniqueness of it, and for what the poster is saying with the cookies and the message that it has at the bottom. "Beauty is not a mold," is such a great message to women. It is a message that should be told to women on a daily basis. The cookie cutter idea is such a good way to tie that message in with a picture. Out of the winners from the past years, I liked the 2008 winner, Whitney Calvert's poster the best. I liked hers the best because of the way she placed words such as, "mind, heart, peace, love, strength, and personality," into the shape of a woman getting measured around the waist. These words make up a woman, and I thought it was a really cleaver way to portray what women are on the inside.
ReplyDelete-Christine Lowe
I liked the cookie cutter poster. From the past winners, I liked the one that said beauty doesn't have a price tag. I think both of the grabbed my attention because I think a lot of women feel like you can be made into this stereotypical image of beauty. I think that people fail to realize beauty is not based on looks alone. Beauty by definition is the qualities that give pleasure to the senses. The major contribution to beauty for me is a person's attitude. I think the more important message from both of these posters was that we can't be perfect, so lets just enjoy the body that we have.
ReplyDelete-Chasity Anais Sandidge
In my opinion, the purple one that says whats the measure of a woman with all of the descriptions of what makes a woman amazing and wonderful should be the winner. I think it completely summarizes what a woman should represent, it also says that a woman should not be measured by how wide her hips are or how large her bust is, but by her characteritics and personality factors that make her who she is.
ReplyDelete-Lindsay Hummel
My favorite poster would have to be the one thats says "when life throws you curves embrace them" I think this is completley correct and i think this is how women should go about looking at thier bodies.The reason I say this is because to many women instead of looking at the good qualties they have they look at the negative.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite from the current selection is the one with the cookie cutters. I think that is very creative, and the colors are pretty. As for the past winners, I chose the Statue of Liberty one. I love the play on words. It makes you think about what this country really values. In a sense, the Statue of Liberty is more sacred than women are in certain context. And choosing that image makes a very powerful statement.
ReplyDeleteAngie Petersen