For you post: first find out about Pink Shirt day, then discuss the ways that women are bullied that men are not (sexist jokes told in front of women, for example). What can we do to stand up to the bullying that's directed only at women? | Thanks to the class for giving a heads up on this one!
I think when women are bullied (in a sexist way), we don't really think of it as bullying. I was bullied all through middle school because I hit puberty later and wasn't as "feminine" as the other girls. It really hurt and affects the way you see yourself and feel about yourself as well. Blonde jokes are told, which may seem slight, but they are almost always against women, women drivers and so on. If you're bullied, TELL SOMEONE, stick up for yourself and don't let them see you hurt, because it will only help it continue. Recognizing you are being bullied is the first step. Don't be ashamed of who you are.
ReplyDelete-Jackie Hund
ReplyDeleteWOW--that was really well-said.
Dr. Stovall
Like Sleepingbeauty stated women are bullyed all of the time in society but it's not really taken serious because it has become the norms of our society. When puberty hit in grammer school I was always teased by guys and had sexist jokes thrown my way because I wasent as developed as other girls. If someone is bullying you I would say take a stand. A person is only going to do what you allow them to and if you stay silent now you'll be silent for the rest of your life. Often times it only takes once for you to let that person know it's not ok and then they'll stop.
ReplyDelete::MOnica Mickel::
I really like the whole thing of the "Pink Shirt Day". I would like to be an advocate of ending bullying against men and women. No one should have to tolerate regretting their gender because of other's ignorance. Women are bullied through sexiest traits and demeaned physically, but by me being an African American women I get preyed on a lot too. I am not physically bullied, but there are people who try to test my knowledge, and if they are superior, they will try to stop me from succeeding. Another good example of how women are treated is through famous blonde jokes. In my women studies class from last semester, my professor showed the class a list of blonde jokes that I thought were shocking. There are also jokes about women being nothing else but house wives, us only being good at looking pretty, and more. This "Pink Shirt Day" is really helpful in allowing people to know that bullying in all forms exist and it shall be known and subsided.
ReplyDelete-Katherine Hallmon
well i have been bullied my whole life and i feel that it is only because i am a female. if i were male no one would care becasue men and boys never get bullyed, well from my view point at least. In grammar school i remeber 2 boys in particulatr that would always go reckless on me, and lead to even till this day in my low self confidence level. I feel that it is very imporatnt to have support out there for those who need it because maybe if i would have had that when i was little i would be better off today.
ReplyDeleteAshley Merchant
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ReplyDeleteThe pink shirt day is a good idea, but I think the idea of "women jokes" are taken out of proportion by some men who really do not mean it as a way of harm. There is a difference between a sarcastic, playful joke and an insult with true intention of degrading another person. Of course, it all depends on the girl. It's about when, where, and who you say it to....some women are more tolerant then others. And it also depends on what you are saying. Some comments are more extreme then others, deeming them low and unacceptable.
ReplyDeleteAshley, I agree, but disagree to an extent. As a kid I was bullied. Being male has almost little to do with how people treat you on a social level (though not always a professional one), in most cases at least. Men are put at a disadvantage in other ways, and to me it seems "bullied". For example, in terms of divorce and child custody, a child is probably more likely to be put with his mother than father. Luckily my mother wanted nothng to do with me or my father, and I was fortuante to be raised by my own dad.
Another own cousin had been accused of rape by a girl who was used the law to her own advantage when he did no such thing. My point is that there are evil women out there, just like there are evil men. Men in general do get stereotyped, just like women, just like african americans, or any one else. I guess my point is that I don't like to judge people in terms of sex because I believe that both men and women have their fair share of ups and downs. I will say that I have come to the conclusion that women have a better sense of unity then do men. It always seems like we are in competition with each other.
Do I believe that women are treated unfair professionally? Yes and they should be given the same pay rate and same higher up positions as any other man would be given. But do I believe that being a girl has anything to do with being treated differently than a man at the social level? Slightly, but for the most part, I would say no. It's just my opinion though and I am going off of my own experience.
Some men need to be put in their place, and I believe the pink shirt idea is a very solid idea. I just hope that some women recognize that there are men out there who try to keep an open mind about what women are truly fighting for. We all have schemas that allow us to forget that we stereotype one man with the rest.
Nick King
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ReplyDeleteMen and women are both bullied but what I think a lot of people overlook is the fact that the media bullies people everyday in their ads. Women are being bullied by society in general by showing women in sexually explict scenes or being dominated in photographs by men. Bullying happens everytime a magazine photoshops a picture, or adds pounds of make up to a woman to advertise a product. So what seems to be our normal society today, is actually a form of bullying against women.
ReplyDelete-Lindsay Hummel
I think that women are bullied in more ways than one may think or that even many women even realize. One way that I have realized that women are bullied is that when women say they are going to do something "manly" like fix something or something like that, their reaction is that girls can't do that, leave it for a man to do. Another example is when a guy calls someone a "pussy" because they are implying that they are a girl and that a girl wouldn't or couldn't do something.
ReplyDelete-Kelsey Nichols