Tiffany Tarsitano sent me this is the link ( Nicki Minaj Will Not Drink Pickle Juice | Video | MTV ) for the Nicki Minaj interview. Tiffany says, "I felt this was revelant to what we were talking about because even though it's short, she really gets the point across that in a the music business as well as many other professional businesses woman are definitely looked at differently the men! I hope you like it!"
Nicki Minaj Will Not Drink Pickle Juice | Video | MTV
Watch the link. In your comment discuss how she gets her point across. What is the attitude of the man in the room?
I think Nicki Minaj gets her point across by being real and speaking with feeling. She says if I wasn't assertive I would be drinking pickle juice. Pickle juice is salty, tangy, and disgusting and by explaining her message in such tangible terms she is grabbing our attention and forcing us to realize no one wants pickle juice and no one wants to be working with a $50 clothing budget! She uses another comparison: Donald Trump. He is rude and very blunt but people respect him for being that way only because he is a man. Nicki Minaj is blunt and honest but she is sometimes looked down on because of it. She makes it crystal clear that sex is no reason to treat people differently.
ReplyDeleteI love Gina's comment--especially her analysis of pickle juice.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Gina 100% A guy can go around and do all the same things a women is doing and yet they are being a boss and everyone is okay with that. People always say that when a women is acting the same way they are bitch or are probably pmsing. Nicki is an icon to many just in the way that she has taken her career to a level that not many male rappers have or will ever be at. The man in the room is understanding what Nicki is saying because he probably realizes it too.
ReplyDeleteAllie Deyo
I also agree with Gina. Nicki Minaj speaks from the heart. She is real and confident and by no means shy or afraid to hide that. But when a women is assertive like this, she comes off as a bitch. I love that she compared Donald Trump in this video. He is just as blunt as Nicki, but is respected and considered a "boss" because he is a male. Gender differences are obvious and Nicki points it out.
ReplyDeleteI loved that video of Nicki...she told it like it is. The music industry is a mans play ground, they call the shot and dictate how things are supposed to go. Nicki was dead on when she compared a woman to the same standards as men, they would be seen in a totally different light by men and women alike. Just goes to show how men even pave the way for womens thoughts in a way.
ReplyDeleteBrittney Edwards
I also love this video of Nicki and I understand where she's coming from. Men are expected to be "The Boss". Men can be ignorant, yell, make demands and still get respect without a problem. However, when women become "The Boss" and make demands there's a problem and they are looked at as being a bitch. Nicki clearly explains that just because she's a woman doesn't mean she shouldn't get the same respect as a man does. The man in the room agrees with her and I can tell he's listening to her and understands what she's saying.
ReplyDeleteTiera Gary
This video has a lot to do with what we are discussing in class. Nicki gets straight to the point, she speaks how she sees it. Women are treated differently from men. As comparison to Donald Trump was a perfect example . He is rude and arrogant but yet he has he has a hotel named after him and everyone loves him for being that way.But if it would have been a woman- she was would have been called rude,disrespectful,a bitch. Women have all of these expectations to live up to in order to have --at least some respect as a man. It is true what she mentions in the end of the video that we are all human beings- in other words, we are no different from each other and we should be treated equally. As far as the man attitude who is in the room..He understands her, he know exactly where she is coming from. He knows how things are and expected to be.
ReplyDeleteLatrina Gladney
I feel this video does have a lot to do with what we are discussing in class right now. She mentioned men who are higher up in the world who are assertive and do whatever they want and do not ever get talked down upon but as soon as a woman does the same thing that man just did she is looked at in a negative way and that is not right. I one hundred percent agree with Nicki and I feel it is a shame. I think she got her point clearly across with the men that she mentioned. The man that was in the room with her also seemed as if he agreed with her but she did not have any hostility or anger towards him because she knows that it is not his fault that this world is the way it is.
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me even today that women still have to prove themselves as equals to men even though we have the same responsibilities to provide to our families as men do. Nicki is providing entertainment in what used to be a man's world of rap and doing a good job of it. Perhaps that is why she may feel she has to express herself in the way she did in the clip. I totally agree with her comments especially regarding Donald Trump, women seems to come off as bitches when men come off as honest and direct *what is the difference.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Weaver
Michelle Weaver
In my opinion Nicki Minaj had a real point in this video. Her whole point was to let people know that she's just not going to accept anything from people because she feels like she gives her all in things she do, and therefore people need to return the favor. I think her not drinking pickle juice was the right move because as she said, people would know to respect her more and now know that she's just not going to take anything from anyone. Shanicqua Landis
ReplyDeleteI think Nicki Minaj is a very real person. She is saying what she means and not holding back about how women have to be all different things at once and men can be rude and it is a good thing for them. All she wants is to be respected as a woman. Her refrence to Donald Trump is funny.
ReplyDeleteBridget Straub
I really liked this video because it is showing how brave Nicki Minaj is for speaking her mind. Most female artists feel the same way but never speak up about it. She has an angry attitude because she doesn't think that it is fair how woman are treated compared to males even though they both do the same work. I think more woman need to have the same mind set as Nicki because woman deserve the same amount of respect as men.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this video! Nicki Minaj is one of the strongest females voices out there in terms of her music and through interviews. She has made it clear time and again that there is indeed a lack of respect and credibility towards women in the music/professional buisness industry. Women are most definitely taken less serious than men. The fact that she is willing to be considered a "bitch" rather than a "boss" says alot about the point she is trying to make. If she accepted the pickle juice she would be accepting the low expectations and judgements made about females in the industry. By putting her foot down and standing up for not only herself but all females, she is setting the bar higher for females in this industry. I love that she showed emotion in making her point that it's not fair and it's not going to change over night but even the slightest efforts such as not drinking that juice, can make an impact on the unbalances relationship of males and females in the industry.
ReplyDeleteEverything Nicki Minaj has said in this video clip is entirely true! If you accept little then that is what you'll get in return. The media and even everyday life situations never puts a woman on top. We have to work our way up, and prove ourselves. Nicki not only speaks for herself in this clip, she is speaking for ALL women. She demonstrates the lack of inequality between women and men. According to society, media, and whomever, we as women have to make an impression wether its a first or have to continue to impress in order to redeem ourselves from a "mistake"
ReplyDeleteI think that Nicki Minaj had a very good point when she said that men are able to yell and boss people around and still have the respect of others, while if women do that, they are considered a bitch. There's is definitely a huge double standard when it come to men and women who have power. I think it's really great that Nicki isn't afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she wants even though it means that she may be considered a bitch. Women shouldn't be afraid to speak their mind just because of what other people may think of them, and Nicki makes a really good example of that.
ReplyDeleteI thin Nicki Minaji had a good point that she made and using the pickle juice for example was beyond what people may think. If you allow people treat you less worthy than what you are then other will do he same and continue to do so. Some people in this industry feel that its okay to treat women less valuable than they would treat a man like for example Lil Wayne. They would never give him pickle juice to drink because he would do the something she did, but instead its okay for him to do it, that's a DOUBLE STANDARD.She's letting people know that's its not okay to treat her that way and she deserves respect.
ReplyDeleteI agree with majority of the blog commentators that what Nicki Minaj says is absolutely true. People expect for a woman to be all these things that we just cannot be and it all comes down to at the end of the day as a woman you are also a human being. You live, eat, and sleep just like every one else. But once gender is thrown into the matter there are certain standards and requirements for how your are suppose to act, speak, and sit just to name a few and the list could go on. If she had of settled for less then it would have become a routine. No one would care whether she would get upset about her needs because they would always think well she'll be okay with what we give her. She demands the treatment that she feels is deserved to her. The attitude of the man in the room shows that he agrees with what Nicki Minaj is saying because it is a very true statement. He may also feel that woman have to live a double standard. I like the way she gets her point across by using a strong and well known word used to describe women in music and sometimes media.
ReplyDeleteI think that Nicki Minaj made some very valid points. She has spoken on something that is talked about amongst us women but never really had a light shinned upon it. A woman good do a very good job at what she does and it will never recieve the type of credit or acknowledgement that it would recieve if a man had done the same thing. As women the things we do no matter how great they are something will always be wrong, no matter what it is. This double standard thing needs to end, because anything that a man can do, we as women could probably do it better.
ReplyDeleteI actually watched this special when it premiered on television, and this portion was one of my favorite parts. I love the analysis of the pickle juice reference, when you break it down what Nicki was expressing the importance of upholding one's values, standards and expectations at all costs. When Nicki she very honest, unapologetic, and stern. You can tell that this issue is important to her and very much relevant in her career. When she makes the analogy about Donald Trump and Marta Stewart I agree that she was simply articulating the struggles that all women face when working in male dominated industries. I think the treatment and expectations of women in male dominated positions can be related to the aspects of gender and creativity that we discuss in class. The way that women are perceived and treated in the hip hop realm is a direct reflection of the genre being so heavily influenced by males for so long, much like many other forms of art and or creativity. I love the way that Nicki got her point across when discussing the issue, it was very raw and uncensored so her true emotions were very evident and refreshing, too often you find celebrities who are afraid to speak their mind in fear of being shunned by their colleagues and the general public. Also I think that the way she delivered this speech or rant as she called it was easily understood by both men and women, you can tell by the reaction of the male in the room who seems to agree with her. Overall in my opinion it was very relevant and well put.
ReplyDeleteI completly agree with Nicki Minaj. She made her point clear that in society and men especially are expecting women to be passive and do what is told of them. Her example was drinking the pickle juice. There have been many times where I as a woman have been in that situation where men expect me to do what they ask and my attitude may come off as not being a lady. The man in the video seemed to be agreeing with Nicki which I find reasurring that there are still men who can look at the situation from a woman's perspective.
ReplyDeleteNicki gets her point across by hitting the nail right on the head. She gets her point across by explaining how a man and a woman could act the same way but still get looked at differently. She does that by saying how her assertiveness gets her called names and looked down on as a bad person, but Donald Trump could do the same thing and be looked at as a boss. I agree with Nicki completely because when it comes to gender society is all screwed over with the stereotypes and the media. Gender should not influence how a male and a female are looked at. As far as the guy in the video goes, I believe he agreed with Nicki also.
ReplyDeleteadam baker said...
ReplyDeleteI think Nicki gets her point across but i dont know if she did it the right way. Honestly yes i do agree with what she said, about the pickel juice. That if she would have excepted it now than it would have kept happening and also that men and women are treated differently. But i think every sex has their double standards. If guys arent southern gentlemen and hold the door open for women then they are scrutinized as much as a women for being out spoken. Its just the world we live in where everybody is suppose to play their perfect role in society
These are all great comments. Thanks to Dominique to going in-depth!
ReplyDeleteI feel that Nicki Minaj has a really good point in this video. She obviously feels very strongl about not just the pickle juice, but women not having the same treat as men. I completely agree with her with the example she used about Donald Trump. Because he is a man, everything he says or does is looked at as being "okay." But because she is a woman, what she says doesn't really matter and she's not taken very serious. Her being "Nicki Minaj" she has a point by saying that a $50 spending limit on clothes is completely outrageous. Treating people better because of their sex is completely unfair & she does a great job of standing firm in what she believes in.
ReplyDeleteToykia Meeks
although Nicki can seem a little extra in the things that she say i do believe she has made some valid points!Most men are precieved as dominate and have power while a women try to show the same power she considered evil and moody! Although the pickle juice comment seem to be a bit etreme it made sense because she was just saying that a person may try to be little u by giving you jus pickle juice and a 50 budjet but you must stand up for what you believe in and not let someone run ova you just because you are a women!
ReplyDeleteJasmine Robinson
I completely agree with what Nicki said. She's one women who can stand up for our rights as women. She knows men are treated differently than women and that isn't right. What she said about the pickle juice is something I completely agree with. She works so hard and gives so much so why should she be treated that way and given a $50 budget and pickle juice? I just love how she is so outspoken about it and standing up for what she believes in.
ReplyDeleteI really liked this video. It is a breath of fresh air that there are women out there that will sick up for themselves. Nicki is gaining a large fan base because of how unique she is and she will hopefully change the minds of some people after viewing her show. Women should be treated equally in this business and in anything in life. We are no longer housewives that just stay home and take care of the kids and cook. It shows that, that isn't the case because men get paid significantly more than women, which is not fair at all. Hopefully this will change in the future.
ReplyDeleteI think Nikki is very confident in what she wants with her career. She lets people know that she is not going to be treated like most women in society today. I think she needs to be aggressive to get her point across to make people take notice of her. Also, i believe that times are changing and women are being more powerful in society and she is a good example of how women are standing up for themselves and how they want to be treated.
ReplyDeleteMinaj gets her point across by addressing the obvious gender differences in the media. It is sad, yet true that men are respected and listened to more than women. Society puts a negative label on a woman as being a "bitch" if she is stating her honest opinion, while a man might state the same and be honored. When Minaj speaks her mind about the different connotations between men and women's assertiveness, the man in the room seems to agree with Minaj. However, his remark "yeah, he bossed up" portrays a proud attitude as if he is almost excited by the fact that he is aware that men are viewed this way.
ReplyDelete-Jess Lord
I feel and understands everything Nicki is trying to get across. She say she put quality, time, and energy into everything that she do, basically she buss her ass at doing her job and with that being said she deserves what she puts out! I feel that she is not asking for much but to be respected in the way she feel she should. And in this case she dont feel like she is getting her respect and if a famous person or regular person feel they should get more than a $50 dollar budget or pickle juice then they should go find somewhere else where they can get more and deserve more. Once you allow someone to treat you in away you dont want to be treated they will think its ok and keep doing it if you dont speak up. Overall, i understand her and would do the same.
ReplyDeletei agree with Nicki when she says the part about men being able to do and say whatever they want and it is only considered "bossin up" but when women do anything to stand up for themselves they are considered "bitches". women should be able to do the same things as men and not be looked down on for it.
ReplyDeleteJordan Masterson
Althought this video was short, Nicki really got a good point across to everyone. She is a very strong and independent women and she explained how when a man does something it ok, and when a women does the exact same thing it is never ok, just because she is a women. If more women stick up for themselves like Nicki it will eventually become more normal in society.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Nicki's statement. Women are expected to be all these things like sweet, sexy, smart, polite, and successful. Women are only human and can only do so much. Nicki explains this in her video. It is nice to know that she wants respect and has higher expectations for others. She is a celebrity and in the spot light yes, but she is still a human. It kind of goes to show that men can pretty much do whatever they want. They don't have to be five different things at once. Men couldn't last one day in a woman's shoes. We are so complex and are great multi-taskers.
ReplyDeleteJodie Hinkle
I believe everything Nicki Minaj was saying in this clip was right. When men are assertive they are considered a boss but when women step up they are considered a b**** because it isn't their place to speak up, it's the mans place... What is nice is the man in the room agrees with Nicki Minaj and has the same attitude it is just sad not all me would feel that way.
ReplyDelete-Abeer Blan
I believe the way she explained hey theory is approprite because if women decided to act more like men in the business world they would be looked at as being mean or a "bitch". And they man in the room is agreeing with her because he has probably seen this happen a few times.
ReplyDeleteNicki Minaj gets her point across by being honest. She doesn't hold back anything, and she says what she feels is true of gender roles. And I completely agree with her, as does the man in the room. I like her comparison of Donald Trump and Martha Stewart. What she is saying is exactly how men are percieved in the business world and if women attempt to be part of it, the same actions will have different connotations.
ReplyDeleteKelly Stevens