Why isn’t the media talking about another 9-year-old girl killed by political violence in Arizona?:
After reading the above link, say whether or not you'd heard of this shooting, and if you had not, why you think the media has not covered it.
Why was this 9-year-old, Brisenia, shot?
Also, what might it have to do with Women's Studies?
This is a very touching and hurtful story. I hope there is enough evidence to convict the "minutemen" vigilantes, this family needs justice. I had heard about this just yesterday on a social forum called reddit.com. Although I haven't heard of it or seen it on any other news media. There is no reason this shouldn't be plastered on the front pages, these crazy people trying to take justice into their own hands and kick out immigrants. The media doesn't like to cover its own citizens mistreating and killing innocent immigrant families, so instead it completely ignores it. I have yet to come up with a good reason why the girl was shot, other than maybe just being there. I believe this has to do with womens studies because, it pertains to how American culture is mistreating immigrants and belittling them for simply being here. Men, women, black, white, and brown should all be treated equally, unfortunately in this right wing culture it seems like equality isn't as important of many other issues, like oil, and god forbid universal health care.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Bland
ReplyDeleteThanks. Is it an OVERLY right-wing culture that set up a context in which a 9 year old girl could be killed by people believing they were acting for American values?
I think it should have had more media coverage. I feel it several reasons why it possibly didnt recieve alot of meadia coverage could be 1.race,2.judgement of the political system in Arizona or for that matter world wide. As far as the little girl being shot was heartless and hurting,but because she was either able to identify them, her presence of being there. This might to do with women studies because the media does want to show that women have the power to run a organization of any kind or the women are capable of killing, because that something the men would normally does. So i feel it a sense of women having power. It can also pertain to equality of any race,sex, or gender, no matter what the case may be.
ReplyDeleteI wasnt aware of this story until just now.I don't always think the media getting involved is the best thing for the family. I would fear that if this story had alot of media coverage there would be alot of people who would try to do the same thing by killing people they don't feel belong here. I think there would be many who would be very angry that this happened, I was. But I think it could turn into a mess that couldnt be controlled by Law Enforcement. If the media was able to help catch the people involved then it would be a great tool to use. I think the nine yr old was shot simply because they were afriad she would be a witnes who would remember enough to put them in jail for killing her dad and shooting her mom. Its a horrible thing that happend. This could have to do with women studies because it involves race and gender also how people don't respect others.
ReplyDeleteI have not heard about this incident. I think it didn't hit national news because it didn't happen at a public event like the other Arizona shooting did. The media plays up what they report because in the other shooting, they kept making it known that the nine year old girl shot was born on 9/11. That is something completely irrelevant to the what happened at that shooting yet it was brought up so many times while this story was hardly talked about if at all. I also don't believe it was brought up because of their race. The girl was shot simply because she was there. Her family was targeted and they couldn't let her live because she had seen whatbthey looked like. I think this could relate to womens studies because the leader who ordered these killings was a woman and a woman being a leader of anything isn't something we always see. When we think of leaders we think of men especially when it comes to killing people, when we think of a woman and her qualities, the ability to kill isn't one of them.
ReplyDeleteAudra Wilson
I have not herd of Brisenia Flores death, until calss Friday. I was surprised that i didn't hear about it in the media. I think people hadn't herd of the shooting because where she was killed and why she was killed. I feel Brisenia's death should have gotten more attention. People dont see nothing wrong with a nine year old child death because of the stupidity? I think Brisenia was shot because she could identify her fathers killers, her race,and by simply asking a question.
ReplyDeleteI have not heard about the shooting of Brisenia Flores' death until reading this article. I really feel for this family and I am honestly shocked that it did not grab the attention of the mainstream media. While I am shocked I think it is also probably better for the family that it was not publicly released just for their safety. I wonder if maybe the family, including the surviving mother, did not want it to be brought public and therefore it was not. But, regardless if this story was in the media or not I feel that it does deserve attention, if not from the media then from officials so that they may be able to put a stop to the shooting of innocent people such as Brisenia Flores. It is sad to say, but I feel that Brisenia was shot due to the fact that she had the potential to identify the man and woman that killed her father and shot her mother. Also, she might have been shot due to her race, her geographic location, her status in society, etc. We will probably never know, but I hope that is not the case. As far as the article relating to Women's Studies, it may be similar in that this story didn't receive any media coverage and rarely do women receive media coverage due to certain things such as race, political views, etc.
ReplyDeleteI have not heard about this story at all. I am shocked that it is not getting the coverage it so deserves. I agree with what every person is saying on here that it could have to do with multiple reasons such as race, sex, geographical local, etc. Most of the time when someone is murdered if it is a result of some kind of race other than white it is stereotypically categorized as some what of a "gang shooting", which is absolutely ridiculous. I believe that no matter the issue and the details if a child is killed in such a manner as that, that the media needs to get the word out there and show that this is unacceptable and that our society as a whole should be mortified. Any person that is murdered should be able to have their story heard and people should be aware of situations such as these. On the other hand when it comes to WS I think that it just shows how women rarely are put in the limelight unless its something so extraordinarily big such as a new pop star(and anything else that the media thinks will get attention) and so forth. Also, everyone must keep in mind that the media is very biased and is only going to follow stories that seem superficial, because that is what our society is becoming/revolving around.
ReplyDeleteLaura Andrews
This is a very shocking and delicate issue that cannot stop giving me goosebumps. As an international student, I am very outraged by the fact that this kind of crimes are committed against illegal immigrants, specially "latino" immigrants. It is unbelievable that in the XXI century hate crimes still exist and are actually increasing. As a woman, it is unbelievable that press, or in other words, people in general just don't care about a little 9 year-old girl being cold-blood murdered. People responsible for this horrible hate crime should be in jail without a doubt and press should cover it instead of other more "interesting" news... like who's sleeping with whom this week in "Jersey Shore."
ReplyDeleteI had not not heard about this shooting until I read this. The nine year old girl was shot because minutemen came into her house in search for drugs and money and killed her parents. Since the little girl asked her parents killer why they did that the killers also killed her. I believe this has to do with women's studies because it is about giving the rights to one family to have their killers be caught but just because they are of a different race the media is not viewing this story as a news worthy story.