Tuesday, February 8, 2011

For 2/14: YouTube - Janelle Monáe - Tightrope [feat. Big Boi] (Video)

YouTube - Janelle Monáe - Tightrope [feat. Big Boi] (Video)

Watch this video. What decisions has Janelle Monae made that society frequently doesn't support from women artists?


  1. I think that Janelle Monae has challenged typical stereotypes of women being a sexual object. I mean most female artist typically start out with an image consultant who tells them what to look like in order to make sales. However, what I see in Janelle is a mind of her own. I feel like she thinks for herself and knows that she is a representation of more than just a singer, she is a role model. I think that she puts the image out there as a support system for young girls who may want to wear suits and express their own uniqueness. Maybe I over thought this post but hey there's my two cents. Brittney Edwards

  2. Janell Monae is a following her dreams and at the same time being true to herself. She doesn't need to be dressed provocative like some of her counter parts. Everyone know sex sells, but Janelle Monae is saying i can sell music and still stay true to myself. She don't prance around making a fool out of herself. I think she wants to show her uniqueness and her ideal of beauty.

  3. In this video, Janelle Monae steers away from the typical sex object that many women are thought to be. In today's society, women are expected to dress sexy and provocative, but Janelle stays true to herself by being unique and creative in a non-sexual way. She wants people to respect her and appreciate her music, not just her appearance.

  4. Janelle Monae is a unique artist that doesn't follow the common guidelines that society considers "beautiful". To most women, you have to have long, flowing, straight hair to be beautiful. Showing skin makes you "beautiful". Treating your body as a sexual object to the media makes you more known to the public eye because sex sells. Janelle Monae has her own sense of style and it shows that she wants to be taken serious for her music and not her body parts. In most music videos, the directors focus on lips, hips and legs. But in this video it is clear the director has a theme for the video that isn't focused on her body.

  5. In this video Janelle Monae's biggest statement was her choice of clothing. Typically woman artists are wearing barely any clothes in their videos in order to get attention, but Janelle decided to wear a suit and have everyone in her video wear black and white. I think she did this because people are so use to watching videos and only paying attention to how the artist looks, but because Janelle didn't it focuses more on her talents with music and her dancing.

  6. Most women would go for sex appeal and wear close to nothing in their music videos. Janelle Monae clearly is making a statement and letting us know that just because she is a woman doesnt mean she has to wear basically nothing and also just because she is dressed in a suit like the men, she is showing us that she can still be sexy, beautiful and talented.

    Jordan Masterson

  7. I loved this video because Janelle broke streotypes from her head to toe and through her choice of lyrics along Big Boi's lyrics in his part as well. First off Janelle's choice of clothing went in the opposite direction of most female music artists. She was very conservative from her hair being in a classy up-do to her suit inspired outfit. She did not sybolize herself as a sexual item, rather as a woman who wants to be respected for her true talents. Even her shoes were not the typical sexy, high heeled type. She kept the attention on herself by dancing and singing, not through sexual symbolism. Her choice in lyrics to sing about life instead of sex, men and money always proves another point that Janelle isn't interested in followin stereotypes of the music business. Featuring Big Boi in her song was a great idea because through his lyrics that weren't about drugs, exploiting women or homies, he proved than men can rap about other things rather than the usual ideas we hear in rap. All in all Janelle made a statement both physically and musically.

  8. I believe the biggest decisions that Janelle Monae has made that society doesn't agree with is being in charge of her own art work or in this case, her video. In her video, she is the main attraction (which should be the case). She is also breaking the norm in the way society expects women to dress and dance. Monae's dancing is almost masculine. Instead of acting like a sex object, she is making another statement.

  9. I think that Janelle Monae is trying to express herself through her music. By wearing more clothes she is showing that she has class and that although sex does sell, she would rather have people appreciate her music. I think by wearing what she did shows that she makes choices that people will respect more.

  10. Janelle Monae is tryin to show socity a different type of music. She did a little old a little new style of music where she dance with her feet and hands while dressind in formal clothing. Her dancing focus on feet and hands so the veiwers would not look at the hips which would reduce the idea idea of sex. The way she dressed showed veiwers that you can be entertained with clothes on other the a rag for a bra and a string on. Last the way she song was nothin about sex, boy problems, nor havin money, drugs, or bein drunk. So that was cool

  11. I feel that the decision that she has made is to just simply show her individuality! Janelle Monae isn't one of those female artist who sings what the media and the music industry world wants her to sings. She sings what she feels, what she is comfortable with. She doesn't portray something or someone she isn't. Her appearance and lyrics bluntly expresses her uniqueness. The society doesn't necessarily support her because of her unique style. She doesn't sing about sex, or partying, or use foul language in her music like A LOT of these other female artist do. She doesn't wear revealing clothing. Her attire consists of a white button blouse with a bow, black slacks and saddle shoes. In my opinion, the media should began to embrace her individuality and uniqueness. In the end, being yourself goes a LONG way!

  12. Janelle is showing her individualism. It is not alwaysabout what someone is wearing to get noticed. She is showing how unique she is by dressing her own way and trying to put out a message to young women that you don't have to dress provocative and be half naked to get respected. I respect Janelle for what she is doing because she is setting a trend and she has a different style that you wouldn't expecet a female to have. The media looks down on females ansd make women look like objects and she is just showing that it doesn't have to be that way.

  13. I really like this video because it is really different from what you see now a days. Janelle Monae really shows her individualism in this video. Most girls in videos are half dressed, exposing their body to the world because that's all they have to offer. But with Janelle, she doesn't have to wear skimpy clothing to get noticed. She is putting it out there that she can still sell her music & be noticed as much as everyone else by being herself. She seems very comfortable by just doing her & not having to be exposed in a provocative way. Much respect to her!

    Toykia Meeks

  14. The reason why society looks at this as out of the norm for women is due to her lack of social conformity. This is because instead of dressing as a sexual object she is in a tux that covers every piece of her body except a little bit of her ankels show and her hands and face are shown to. This is her way of making people look at her and listen to her music with out getting them to just listen to it because she is hot. She has made the song for the people and wants to make sure her message gets out rather then looked over because of the way she dresses and sells herself.

    Laura Murray

  15. In my opinion Janelle is expressing herself and she's doing in a different way of most women in the music department. For example she is fully clothed and she's not bringing attention to her body. Another thing is her dance moves, instead of the typical rolling and popping of the body, she has aggressive moves to go along with her song. I respect her as an artist and respect how she presents herself in this video
    Shanicqua Landis

  16. Some decisions that Janelle Monae has made that society would generally not support in female artists would be her choice of style including her clothing, hair style, etc. Her clothing choice in this video does not follow the typical female or male artists music videos. Generally, females have majority of the bodies exposed and are dancing provocatively in order to get the attention of a nearby male. In this video, Janelle is wearing a suit with a bow tie which women would generally not be seen wearing and is doing her own, individual dance to her song. Also, her hair style is very unique for a female artists music video. I really like her individual style and her wanting to be unique and different from the "norm" in regards to music videos. She has the ability to show her true self through her own individual style rather than showing too much skin or dancing provocatively.

  17. Janelle did a wonderful job in this video breaking the typical stereotypes. There are not many women singers who wear clothing that covers up most of their skin. She decided to go against the grain and take away the sex appeal found in most video's and replace it with talent and a good music. I completely agree with what she is saying; respect my music not my body.

    Andrew Bland

  18. I think Janelle Monae is a very unique artist which makes me love to listen to her music. She reminds me of a female version of james brown. The decsion that she makes that i feel society does not really support is the way she dress, dance, and the type of music she makes. She presents her self the way a lady should. She dont have to dance sexy, show her body, or sing about relationships and sex just to make it in this industry. I feel she sings and do what she wants to do and dosen't really care what people thinks. i think that takes alot to dare to be different even if it mean you might not make it as an artist or singer. Even her hairstyle is different she dont have weave going all down her back. its unique and i like it!!!

  19. Janelle Monae is definitely a unique female artist. I feel like there are more and more unique female artists coming about and that is good because women are are not feeling the need to be the stereotypical artist that everyone is expecting. Usually female artists have next to nothing on in their videos or even when they perform live. Janelle chose to wear a tux-like suit in this video and dance in a non-sexual way. She performed at the Grammy Awards last night and wore the exact same outfit. She sang a different song than "Tightrope," which makes me believe that she dresses like that all the time. People still respected her last night because she has a great voice and is beautiful regardless of her clothing or hair style. I believe that she is going to get popular fast.

  20. Decisions that Janelle Monae makes that society frequently doesn't support from women artists include her dance technique, apparel, and attitude. As most everyone has already previously stated, Monae presents herself in a respectable manner. She does not care to dance sexually by flaunting her curves, she dances to the rhythm in a ladylike way. She does not dress scandalous or skimpy, she dresses conservatively with a sense of individuality. She does not seem to contradict her true personality, she acts like herself with great confidence.

    -Jessica Lord

  21. I like how Janelle Monae doesn't have to be dressed according to how society expects her to be dressed. Her attitude and song make her a respectable artist that doesn't need to be provocative to be noticed.

    -Abby Blan

  22. Janelle Monae is someone who is not afraid to sing about different things that done have anything to do with her sexuality and she does not dress like most women in the music business. shr takes a risk if not selling as much as the women who do show off their body to sell music. she is different and is trying to show that you dont have to be super sexy and sluty to sell music and do what you love.
