Fast forward 5 minutes into the video to see Monae.
YouTube - Bruno Mars Ft B.o.B & Janelle Monáe - Nothing on you Performance at the 53rd Grammy Awards 2011:
What do you think?
Here's the official video of Cold War:
Watch her eyes.
Lady Gaga, hatching out of an egg, was also at the Grammys. Gaga and Monae send different messages with their styles. What are the different messages they send?
Gaga and Monae send different messages with their styles. Gaga seems to be extremely out-of-this-world! Although some enjoy her strange style, I do not care for it. Some of her music is decent, but I think she is fake and seeking attention through the way she dresses and acts. Her performance of "Born This Way" at the Grammys sounds like a knock-off of a Madonna song. She needs to be more original. Monae, on the other hand, proves a complete opposite side. She seems very innocent and presents herself in a much more relaxed way than most females artists. Her Grammy performance was subtle, yet empowering.
ReplyDelete-Jess Lord
Yes, they send different messages with their styles Gaga sends a wild and edgy styles. Making a statement that its okay to be different and stand apart from others. Where as Monae style is more more settle and conservative. Stating that it okay to be a successful women in the music business and not have to show your body and exploit yourself as an object. But she also dress as if she was in the era of maybe 1960;as well as on the male-ish side. the performance was okay. You can say she sung with her eyes, because certain parts of the song her eyes grew big. I thought she was a little crazy for jumping in the crowd.
ReplyDeleteKerra Jones
Very interesting. Thanks for the comments. I look forward to more.
ReplyDeleteGaga's style is more of an i don't care what people think. Yeah she may show her body more than Monae, but that doesn't mean that she is just using her body to get her audience. Gaga has a lot of songs just like Monae but they aren't the ones that get played over the radio. Gaga is unique in her ways and that is why people love her and listen to her. Monae's style is more laid back and "conservative" than Gaga's but i don't really see them being very different. Monae does songs i feel are more personable and are about something going on around us, which can be a good thing but i think the reason a lot of people don't listen to her is because it doesn't appeal to them or go along with the music that is being played today.
ReplyDeleteAllie Deyo
I think Janelle Monae is sending a message that she is powerful. In her video "tight rope" and at the Grammy's she wore a feminine tuxedo; what kind of people wear tuxedos? MEN! Men are seen as powerful and so they dress in black and white with little ornamentation. Women are seen as weak so they wear bright colors and flashy fashion to catch people's attention. Janelle is not conforming to what is expected of her. Lady Gaga enjoys being in the spotlight as a flashy fashion icon. I don't think Lady Gaga is interested in seeming powerful, she wants to entertain her fans by being a step ahead of what is expected; she never fails.
ReplyDeleteI think Monae and Gaga are very different women with similar goals in mind. They both want to be individuals and come across that to their audience but Gaga uses more sex appeal to get her point across. She likes to be in control of what she puts out for the world to see, and in doing so she is empowering as a woman. I mean think about it, to most people sex appeal for a woman is considered "slutty" but Gaga takes that and trys to make it an art form. Monae on the other hand could care less about being sexy, at least in the traditional form. Monae wears suits, which are considered to be manly but they are fitted to her frame which still make it sexy on her. Brittney Edwards
ReplyDeleteLady Gaga and Janelle Monae both have the same intentions of grabbing their audiance attention by being different. Lady Gaga does this by doing the unexpected and stepping outside of the box with her outfits and prefomances(Remember the meat suit). On the other hand Janelle Monae does this by showing that you don't have to use your body as a sex odject, she covers herself up but the way she dress is still feminine.. Tiera Gary
ReplyDeleteLady Gaga and Janelle Monae are both strong women who use very different techniques for creating their image. Lady Gaga uses more of a sex appeal for her image, but she manages to make this sex appeal very creative and interesting. Many of the things she wears and does leaves us thinking about what her motives and intentions were for doing so. She isn't just showing skin; she is being creative in order to catch the attention of her audience. Janelle Monae is much more conservative that Lady Gaga; she is trying a new technique of creating her image. She is doing something women artist rarely do; she is showing that women can be sexy without showing it all as well as showing that women can deliver a powerful message.
ReplyDeleteKara Higgins
Monae and Lady Gaga send their messasges in two different ways. They are both telling women that they can be whoever they want to be and that they can express themself in anyway they want. They are both very strong women, and they express themselves in different ways.
ReplyDeleteBridget Straub
Very different styles and messages, Lady Gaga sends a very sexual message in her video clips, yet she is a talented singer. However, Monae is also a talented singer yet she is more conservative in the way she dresses. Although you can tell she is a female in her style, she is perhaps trying to leave a little to the imagination where Lady Gaga just lets everything hang out (so to speak).
ReplyDeleteMichelle Weaver
Lady GaGa and Janelle Monae send diffrent messages to their fans. Lady Ga Ga is very sexual and wild. One-the-other-Hand Janelle Monae is Conservative.She barely shows off any skin. The amount of make up they use is different. In today's society sex sell and it's what everyone pays attention to.The question is, what's sexy to you? Janelle Monae is trying to break that stereo type, she is trying to send a message that I'm talented, and I don't need to show my body off, to gain a fan base. Both women makes you think.
ReplyDeleteWell before I describe their differences, they both share some strong similarities. They both represent creativity and independence, and they both are taking a huge fashion risk. They both also express their sense of style into their music which makes them both great singers and performers. Now, Lady GaGa is a wild, and freakishly weird performer. In my opinion, the messages she sends are "I'm a weirdo, and I love it. Im sexy and I'm going to flaunt it in creative ways. I'm wild, and your gonna see every side of me that I can possibly show you you in any way I can". On the other hand Janelle Monae sends a BIG message. her message simply says "BE YOU". I feel she is trying to get the point that you don't necessarily have to wear less for attention, or feel sexy, or even sell sex. She has evolved into a great performer by sticking to her TRUE PERSONALITY and BELIEFS. The question here is, which "WEIRD" will last longer in the media? Sexy and wild, or content and conservative!
ReplyDeleteI thought Janelle Monáe's performance at the Grammy awards was good. I think the message that she tries to send is that you can be beautiful fully dressed and still have good music. I think Lady GaGa's message is the woman body is beautiful so show it off. I don't really listen to either of their music so I am just giving my opinion about their attire and performance. I give a thumbs up to them both. Lady GaGa loves her body and wants to show it off and Janelle Monae loves her body as well but she doesn't feel the need to flaunt very aspect of it.
ReplyDeleteLady Gaga and Janelle Monae send different messages with their different styles. Lady gaga's style is constantly changing. It is hard to take her stle seriously when she changes it so much. Most of her style is very bizarre and and sexual, such as the hatching out of an egg. I believe her overall message is to get attention no matter how. Janelle Monae on the other hand can be taken very seriously. Her style does not vary much and she can be percieved as powerful and in control when she's wearing the tuxedo. It seems that Monae can focus more on her talent and writing her music then getting attention to win a crowd.
ReplyDeleteGaga and Monae are both very talented artists, but they send completely different messages with their styles. Lady Gaga is always wearing something extravagant everywhere she goes, which has made her very famous. I heard on an interview that Gaga was in the egg for so long that she had to have an oxygen tank in it with her. Gaga goes above and beyond to do things that people would never think of doing and I think the message she wants to send is that she isn't like everyone else. Monae on the other hand has a very relaxed style. She is usually wearing black or white and has a very plain look to her. Both of these woman are very talented in their own unique ways.
ReplyDeleteLady Gaga and Janell Monae have two very unique styles both in fashion and in music. Monae is much more toned down fashion-wise and is much more conservative. While Gaga has a very out-there fashion sense and is very risque. Both have music that is very catchy and upbeat, but have extremely different messages. Both have their own ways of getting their point across, just in very different ways.
ReplyDeleteKelly Stevens
I look at Janelle and Gaga as being two totally different people, but they are both individuals. I really don't care for Gaga, but I think she is trying to show how different she is by being outward with what she does. she is more life and carefree about her music and the way she presents herself. janelle on the other hand is more careful and conservative with the way she acts. She is also trying to show how different she is with the way she dresses and with her music. She is showing that you don't have to dress sexy to get attention and Gaga is showing how u can put yourself out there and be one of a kind. Both ladies are different, but also similiar at the same time with what they are trying to accomplish.
ReplyDeleteI think that Janelle & Lady Gaga are two completely different individuals yet they share very common characteristics. They both do things to stand out in their own way. Janelle dresses in all black a lot & I think she does this to show that she can still show her feminine ways without having to wear bright colors & provocative clothing. Lady Gaga on the other hand, I think she just tries to stand out & gt attention period; Whether it be good or bad, I don't think she cares. She is not ashamed to be different at all & I think that what makes her stand out & is very unique.
ReplyDeleteToykia Meeks
The two are obviously too differnt type of performers . Janelle has more of a conservative approach to selling her music while Lady Gaga has more of a balls out approach.The two however both stand out becuause they are differnt in there own ways. Lady Gaga never seem to suprise people with the tricks and things that she do while Janelle fans can pretty much determine the style of her perfomance . They both are great performers
ReplyDeleteJasmine Robinson
Janelle and Gaga send different messages with their unique styles.They both stand out in their own way. Lady Gaga is more eccentric in her styles. Janae is more conservative to selling her music. Lady gaga stands out any way that she cans. I think they are completely different. Two different types of women.
ReplyDeleteLatrina Gladney
They both portray different things because Janelle is more calm and easy with her performance and she has more sensitive passion than aggressive. When Lady Gaga came out of an egg for her performance wasn't shocked or anything because she always do odd things, thats just her personality and her own swagg. Both these people have their own unique way of giving performances and acting for their fans. I liked both performances just because they were being themselves and they gave the audience what they always give them and that's uniqueness. Shanicqua Landis
ReplyDeleteI think that Janelle Monae and Lady Gaga are very different, yet the same in some ways. They are both very talented and seek to grab the audience's attention, but in completely opposite ways. I see Janelle as more conservative, while Gaga is just out there and does whatever she wants without worrying about what people will say. However, they both captivate their audiences and are good at what they do.
ReplyDeletewell of course Janell and Gaga are two totally different people. However, in some ways they are alike by being very different from other artist and not caring what people think of them or thier style and they both sends out a good message. i feel Janell sends out you dont have to show your body or talk about what society wants you to talk about to make it in this world it may be hard but its doable. Gaga message is to dare to be different and dont care what people hae to say and be creative. also, I enjoyed janell performance at the grammys. On the other hand, it seem like her style dosent change its just the same ol suit but a little difference to it everytime. With Gaga everytime you see her its always something she doing, wearing, or saying out of the ordinary. both of these artist are ok in my book.
ReplyDeleteThe messages sent by Janelle Monae and Lady Gaga where very different in essence. Analyzing Monae's lyrics, one realizes right away that the lyrics are way deeper than the music they are sung to. The poem has a very profound and selfless meaning, as a message of encourage to build up strength in the weak, perhaps the minorities (she represents two of the historically more segregated minorities in this country: she is African american and a woman). Even in her music video, it seems that the content has little to do with the music (very upbeat, happy kind of rhythm and tonality).
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, Lady Gaga's style is quite the opposite. Her style is completely individualistic and she builds up her own self esteem and ego. I am not saying that is all wrong, and actually I acknowledge her brilliance in capturing the world's attention to herself, so then they can listen to her music. The message she sends is in fact more shallow, since most of her lyrics are about party time and having fun or getting drunk in a club while dancing. I don't think it's wrong to do all those things, but she tries to inhibit the reality by doing them, doping the public with her music as well.
Janell Monae and Lady Gaga, are two completely different women. Janell for the most part of what I have seen from her performances is that she really wants the public to see her for an artist not a sexual object. She dresses conservative only showing her face no other skin. Also her lyrics are very powerful and talk about real issues. Lady Gaga is known for her outrageous looks and crazy tactics. The media loves Lady Gaga because she shows off her body in many different types of ways. Her music is more fitted toward a superficial audience rather than an audience that wants to hear about serious issues. Both artists are talents but are in two different categories when it comes to the music industry. They both also have two opposite objectives when you analyze their appearance and lyrics of their songs.
ReplyDeleteLaura Andrews
Janelle and Lady Gaga in a way are sending the same message with a different outcome. They are both saying they can live their dream and be successful with their music career by dressing however they want. A lot of people think sex sells but Janelle clearly shows that she can work a crowd and be successful with her covered body. Either way they are both explaining to others to just be yourself.
ReplyDeleteGaga and Monae are two very talented artists. They are alike in some ways such as, not caring what other people think of them. However, they portray themselves in completely different manners. Monae doesn't seem like she wants anything to do with a sexual image. Gaga on the other hand, shows a lot of skin and dances in a sexual way. Monae has serious, deep lyrics that she wants to get across to people and probably feels that if she shows nothing but emotion, then that is what others will feel too. The official video for "Cold War" was nothing like her performance at the Grammy's. Gaga shows that "out there" image no matter if it is one of her videos or a live performance. I think that there is nothing wrong with either woman's image because they are still pulling the ratings no mater what.
ReplyDeleteI believe lady gaga always over does herself there's a line between fashion and just being outragish. Also she portrays herself as a sexual object. Where as Monae hides here body and gives more to the music. Honestly I had never heard of Janelle before this class, but after hearing her songs I have more respect for her as a person and a artist that lady gaga.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Bland
Lady Gaga and Janelle Monea are very talented women buyt the'r stlyes are so mdifferent from olne another. Lady Gaga doesnt care what people have to say about her, she's going to do what she wants. Janelle Monea on the other hand is more laid back and is constant. Meaning everythime we see her she normally has on black and white of some sort. The thing that makes them so common is the fact that they both are different and like to do things oustide of the box and doesnt think like eveybody else.
ReplyDeleteAlthough their styles are very different when we compare the two, lady gaga and janelle monea still can send the same message. That they are thinking outside the box with their styles and how they want to be portrayed, that they are different from the rest. Lady gaga's style let's people know that she doesn't care what pele think of her, she will wear what she wants and do what she wants without thinking of how people are going to react and if they don't like it then they can stick it where the sun don't shine. Janelle monea wants to show people that she can still be just as successful without having to show skin.
ReplyDeleteAudra Wilson
Janelle Monae and Lady Gaga have two very different styles. Lady Gaga is more out there and more risky with her outfits. To me that is saying she doesn't really care what people think about her and that she will dress in what she feels comfortable. Monae on the other hand is more conservative with how she dresses. Even though she ismore conservative I feel that she sends a powerful message by wearing the tuxedo. Usually only men wear them, so by her wearing one it sets a statement that women can be just as powerful as men.
ReplyDeleteBoth Janelle Monae and Lady Gaga send very different messages. In Janelle Monae's case she sends a message that says that listen to my lyrics and my message thru the lyrics. This is because she does not show skin through her videos or even on the red carpet she wears a tux. This is interesting because only men wear tuxs on special occations and when they are giving speeches they are taken very serious while wearing a tux. For Lady Gaga though her message is I'm going to sell as many cds as possible because I sell sex with my music. This doesnt mean that if you buy lady gagas music that you will get sex but it does mean that she falls into the category of famous women in the media thinking that sex is the only thing that sells products.
ReplyDeleteI think gaga style is getting kind of annoying. who comes out of an egg? really if it were anyone people wouldnt approve in my opioin i dont understand her. but i think Monae was brave to jump out into the crowd looked like fun but i feel she was making a statement with her clothes and her hair they were both unexspected. I think they both have different ways of standing out which were both effective and if it works for them then they should go for.
ReplyDeleteKristy Portell
Gaga and Monae's styles differ dramatically, but both send powerful messages. Gaga's style screams be who you want to be and dress however you want to. She's always appearing in flashy and interesting outfits, which constantly keep people asking "what's next?". Personally, I've grown tired of her outrageous costumes. By now, she simply has me asking, will I ever see her in a picture in a magazine simply wearing a t-shirt and jeans? Monae's style at the Grammy's was more conservative, but expressed a message as well. She wore a tuxedo, which most commonly are worn by men. To me this says, "hey I don't have to wear some out of this world costume, but I will make a statement".
ReplyDelete-Courtney Wolfe
Everyone knows Lady Gaga and her style of extremely unique wardrobe. Though for some, the wow-factor is still there, I am no longer surprised with it. Cool, dress in some crazy outfit, which doesn't look comfortable what so ever. Though I completely agree with her message of be who are and such, I feel like it has now just become a flashy call for attention. Monae's style at the grammy's was a lot more suttle and mature, in my opinion. She wore a tuxedo, which you don't see everyday on women. I thought that it sent a message that women can also embrace a more masculine way of dress while still gaining respect as a female performer. Not all female performers have to come out in some overly flashy, attention screaming, or nearly there outfit.
ReplyDelete-Kayla Anglese
Lady Gaga has a very interesting style. She always tries to be different which sometimes in not always the best. I find it that her style is way to intense for me and i do not really like it. As for Monae's style I like it and she is setting a statement saying that women are just as good as men and no one should be treated different because of there gender but be judged on there personality.
ReplyDeleteLady Gaga sends out a completely different message than Janelle Monae. Monae respects herself and doesnt want people to focus on her body when she is performing she wants her audience to really listen to the words and the meanings behind her music. While Gaga's revealing clothes and dramatic performances make her audience focus more on her sex appeal.
ReplyDelete-Abeer (Abby) Blan
First and foremost I would like to say that this is a reminder to Mrs. Stovall that I was allowed to post on this blog late.
ReplyDeleteOk now to the question at hand. Lady Gaga is known for her extreme attire, entrances, and overrall being. Seeing her come out of an egg was nothing surprising to me. She does things that builds anticipation for what it is shes going to do for the next time we see her.
On the other hand Janell Monae is basically the same everytime that we see her. She always has on the same outfit on and that same hairstyle. Nothing about her seems as if it changes. She doesnt have any extreme make-up on and it never really changes. Alot of people really don't know who she is still to this day.
BAsically the have two totally different styles. The fact that they are so different from each other is the only thing that they have in common.
Janelle Monae and Lady GaGa are two completely differetn type of artist and have different ways they want to go about selling their music. Janelle Monae is usually in the same type of clothes and not anything really out of the ordinary. But lady GaGa is someone who is always changing the things she wears and it is always somehting that normal people would not wear. Lady GaGa is always trying to do things that people would not think she would or could do. Janelle Monae is someone who is more conservative and does things that are more safe.