Have you seen the trailer for Mars Needs Moms? According to this blogger (http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2011/03/24/finally-a-disney-film-in-which-mom-is-neither-dead-nor-witch/), how are moms usually portrayed in Disney films? And how are they portrayed in this particular film?
I have not seen the trailer for Mars Needs Moms. I was not aware of the film coming to theaters. According to the blog Disney moms are portrayed as good or dead. For example Snow White and Beauty and the Beast. If the mom is alive she either is in the kitchen cooking or somewhere vacuuming. Some mothers are also portrayed as non-maternal or the villains. Mothers do not play a higher roll then those of the men. In Mars Needs Moms, mothers are portrayed as equally heroic as the fathers. Mothers can do the same job as fathers and should it should be acknowledged. They are as strong and powerful as the men. In this film women are doing the opposite of what is expected of them.
ReplyDeleteThis blogger said moms are usually good and dead, evil stepmothers, or nonmaternal villainists. The point being, when mothers are present in Disney movies, they are not exercising motherly habits but instead, they are the evil entity in the movie. I had not seen the trailer for this movie until I read this blog. After watching the trailer I noticed some very obvious stereotypes: moms vacuum, moms nag their kids to go to bed, moms are unappreciated. According to the blogger, the films shows the audience that mothering is a difficult job that can be accomplished by either parent which is why the verb should be "parenting" not "mothering".
ReplyDeleteI seen this trailer for this movie and it looks like an interesting cartoon movie. Usually in Disney movies they are portrayed as the hard working mom that does all the work, doesn't get noticed for it, and as usually single parenting. In this Disney film she is portrayed as a mother who is taken for granted and it looks as if he doesn't realize it until she was actually taken away to Mars in a space ship and he has to fight to get her back. The way he described her in the clip was "she sweeps,she vacuums, she feeds me" as if that is what they are only there for.
I saw the trailer and the movie look great... The moms are portrayed ether a house wife where you never see the mom or dad there or a single mom where she has loads of work to do and forgets about her children... in this movie the moms is needs ass if dads cant handle raising a child in this case aliens.
ReplyDeleteI believe that mothers were protrayed as over worked parents who didn't get that much respect in the household, or they were under appreciated. The movie Mars needs Moms show mothers as some one who is much needed to hold a stable family and that they are an important factor in the family, but only to clean up and cook. So really this movie is following the trend that Disney movies have set for the mothers in their movies
ReplyDeletei meant the moms in this movie are needed as if the dads cant handle raising a child... where only moms can handle raising a child.... monique
ReplyDeleteI never saw or have i heard about this movie. It seems like this movies is a ositive and a negative. I say this becasue it says that mother are much needed on earth and that people are unable toto the things they need to do. The negative is that their protraying mothers and people who etake the fun out of being a kid. I doubt i will go see this movie.
ReplyDeleteI think that the movie is portraying real life family scenarios with a little twist and exaggeration. Children need their mother's, point blank. Yes mother's are taken for granted by their children, however that is the norm, nothing more or nothing less. A kid took his mom for granted, so she was taken away from him. I think that the movie is proving a point, not that "we are just going to take mother's because they are mother's. But to teach kids the appreciation they need to have for their mother's because, hell, she is the backbone of the family, she is needed most.
ReplyDeleteThe blogger feels that most moms in disney films are portrayed as either a dead angel or a evil witch but in this film the mom is portrayed as a overbearing nag but the mother is what mars wants. I think moms in disney movies are generally bad or evil in some way or messed up. This movie seems to show the life of a typical single mother who gets abducted. It seems like a good movie that younger kids can probably relate to minus the mother being abducted part.
ReplyDeleteI have heard of this moving coming out, but have not seen the trailer. In most Disney movies, mom's are portrayed as either dead or as a witch, but in this film, moms are seen as on the same level as dad's are. The blogger said that as the movie starts out, mom's are seen as nagger's and then turn out to be important and useful to society. This is just another one of life's moral that Disney is trying to get across to our young society. The moral here is that we all need mothers and we should all treat them with the same respect that we treat our fathers.
ReplyDeleteLooks like an intersting movie, but I would not take my 5 year old to see it. Disney movies usually portray mothers as good, kind and can do everything even while maintaining the house, working and raising 5 children (super moms). This movie portrays mothers as nagger's as this particular mother gets taken by mars because she is important. There is a message to the movie but I really dont think a typical child under 10 would understand it...
ReplyDeleteMichelle Weaver
Up to this point, Disney movies did not portray the mother as an important person in the main characters life. Like the blogger said, they are usually dead or evil. However, it seems like in this movie they are portrayed as an important part to the childs life. Although, I think that judging by the trailer to the movie, they go about it in a way that is demeaning to mothers AND fathers by suggesting that mothers are there only to nag and clean and that fathers are not adequate enough to parent.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like it's going to be a good movie. I've seen the trailer and it looks really interesting. In many Disney movies I've seen the moms have either been dead or not really seen because they are cooking, cleaning, and doing other motherly duties, just as the blogger believes moms are portrayed. In the trailer of the movie the little boy seems to take his mom for granted but soon realizes how important she is but it's too late because she's already been taken by aliens.
ReplyDeleteTiera Gary
I had not heard about this movie but I watched the trailer after I read the blog, and this actually looks like it's going to be a good movie. The blogger had said that moms were portrayed as good or dead in Disney films. In most Disney films mothers are either seen cooking and cleaning or the villain but in Mars Needs Moms, mothers are portrayed as equally important as fathers. I think it is good to finally have a movie like this because if children keep watching these movies they might grow up thinking that is normal.
ReplyDeleteAccording to this blogger, moms in Disney films are usually portrayed as either good and dead, the evil stepmother, or as nonmaternal villains. in Mars Needs Moms, the mothers are being portrayed equal to men in parenting roles. It seems Disney might be trying to change their view on women and that they just don't stay around the house all day and do nothing besides clean.
ReplyDeleteAccording to this blogger, Disney films portray moms as hard working always in the kitchen, the evil step mom, they are smart and pretty. In this movie they are portrayed as equals to the man of the house, and they can do what a man can do. I think that this movie will give a whole new idea for how moms will be portrayed in not just Disney movies, but all movies.
ReplyDeleteAllie Deyo
I did not see the trailer for this movie until reading this blog. Usually in Disney movies, moms are not seen as important and they usually are just doing housework, like vacuuming or cooking. However, this movie portrays moms as equals to the fathers. This movie shows that women can do what men can do and that they are just as important. This is unlike most disney movies and it looks really interesting!
ReplyDeleteI had not seen this until now, but the movie looks great. Usually mother in Disney films are portrayed as either cooking or cleaning or getting the children off to school. Also the mother are seen as the emotional one always helping the child if they are hurt, etc. The fathers are almost never seen. On the other hand women that do not have the role of a mother in the films are shown as evil step-moms or non-maternal villains. In the movie of "Mars Needs Moms" is shows the value and importance of mothers by making them equal to them men or fathers. Also the mothers are portrayed to be essential to family life and are held at high regard.
ReplyDeleteLaura Andrews
I have not seen the trailor to this movie...but in other Disney films the mother is portrayed to be at home baking pies and doing housework, or as stated in the articles, dead, angels, wicked witches. In this movie the mother has some of the things that the moms in the other movies didnt have such as a major role, as side from just being a mom...shes a female super hero as well. In this new film they are making the mom seem like she is necessary for this type of family to operate and she is powerful ans strong, just like the father.
ReplyDeleteI had never seen the Mars Needs Moms trailer until now. It also had not been brought to my attention until now that many mothers in Disney films are dead or evil. I usually portray them as cooking, always in the kitchen, or cleaning doing chores for the kids. In this film, mothers are credited for how well they are at raising children and how it is no easy task. Both mothers and fathers are equally acknowledged in Mars Needs Moms.
ReplyDeleteI have not seen this movie, but I do know from watching disney movies that the moms are usually not a main character in the movies. I believe the reason being is because the movies are mainly to catch the children's attention and so the movie is focused on the children. If the parents do play a major role in the movie, they are usually evil or mean towards the children and that makes the children become rebellious. This movie portrays that men and women have a equal role and that women can easily do what men can do. This shows that women have just as much power as men do, which is how things are suppose to be. SHANICQUA LANDIS
ReplyDeleteI had never saw this movie before. But I find it very interesting the way that they portray mothers. They are said to be evil, "naggers", used for cleaning, cooking, etc. But in this movie, it shows that Moms are much needed in a household and they play a very important role. They have just as much power as fathers do and can also do what the men do. With me being a single parent, I know it can be done because I do it on a daily!
ReplyDeleteToykia Meeks
I have no seen the trailer for this movie and have no heard of it at all. Through this blogger they bring up the point that most Disney moms are good and dead or portrayed as evil. I agree with this because as seen through many popular Disney movies we haven't seen mothers who played the role of an actual caring, loving, nagging mother. Through this movie I think mothers and women in general will be portrayed in a different light and it may bring something new to Disney's audience. I think it's really cool that Disney has choose to try something different.
ReplyDeleteIn almost all disney movies moms are usually either not there or the bad guys. For example in Cinderella the evil step mom is the bad guy. Or another example is Bambi and the mom dies within 20 minutes of the movie and is non-existant. With the movie moms need mars it shows that the mother figure is very heroic and can say the day just as good as a dad could. Also in this movie it seems that moms are the most important person in a childs life.
ReplyDeleteMoms are usually protrayed as the evil stepmom or witch, or they are not even present in the movie at all, meaning that they are dead. Moms are not usually shown in a good way in Disney movies. The trailer for Mars Needs Moms actually shows a mother that is needed by her son. It shows us that moms really are needed more than we think. We depend on them a lot for daily routines and finally Disney picked up on that and put them in a movie. Moms are important to children so it should be a no brainer to put them in Disney movies which are primarily watched by young children.
ReplyDeleteI was shocked because i never really notice the role of mothers being portrayed in Disney movies as dead, evil, or angel like. After the article pointed it out i really began to realize it. I have never seen or heard of this movie trailer but now i am very interested in doing so. I honestly feel like mothers should be portrayed mostly in any and all Disney movies. I feel mothers are very important in the up bringing of a child well parent in general. I guess Disney did not agree til now. I hope mothers are presented well in this movie as they are in real life.
ReplyDeleteMost mom inbthe movies are seen as hardworking or either as a stay at home mom while the husband goes out and work..many stepmoms are looked at as evil.although I have not seen the full movie from what I saw it seem as if it shows just how much women are really needed as parents.in fact the movie shows the mother as the most important
ReplyDeleteJasmine robinson
Most Disney movies portray moms as images of the good but gone (most of the times dead) or as evil witches. This film, however portrays the mother as a source of resources like food and the taking care of the home. Love and other mother-child connection are thus left behind, or at least that is reflected in the very short trailer for the movie "Mars Needs Moms".
ReplyDeleteOn the other side, this is actually how kids see their mother (or father) from the very beginning. Love and other feelings grow from this essential relationship, but at the beginning, a child just see a mother as just a source of food, shelter, clothing, cleanliness and so on. It would be interesting to watch the whole film to see the bottom message it sends to the audience
In Disney movies, Mothers are always portrayed as evil, dead, or not seen at all because they are so busy doing other things. In the movie "Mars Needs Moms" mothers are portrayed as being needed and are a huge help in everything. Moms and dads are also portrayed as equal, which most of the time is true. It just depends on what a couples agreements are with their children. But, I think this is going to be a great movie and maybe kids will appreciate their moms more!
ReplyDeleteJodie Hinkle
I had not seen the trailer, but after reading this immediately went to find it. It appears to be a good film but just like the others it shows the mother not as just a normal mother but of course a vaccuming, cleaning and cooking kind. This kind of fits the stereotypes portrayed in many other movies. This also says that mothering should be changed to parenting.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Bland
I have seen commercials for this movie and it is basically about mothers being kidnapped by aliens so that they have someone to nurture them. I am usually not a big Disney movie person, but the classic ones I have seen, the characters do not always have a mother figure. If they are in the film, then they are usually cooking and cleaning like the stereotypical mother should be doing. I don't necessarily agree with this because that is not all that women do nowadays; we also take on a working role.
ReplyDeleteBefore I read this blog I had never seen the preview for Mars Needs Moms. Usually in Disney Movies the mother is not present, or not a main character. Usually she is just there, doing the normal "mom" things. In this movie, it seems like the boy is very dependent on his mother. Also it seems like everyone else needs a mother too. I like how this movie sends the message that we take really do need moms. Maybe it will show us how some people tend to take advantage of their mothers.
ReplyDelete-Kayla Anglese
I have never seen this trailer, however I watched it after seeing the blog. This movie looks really interesting. I like how the mother is shown doing normal mother things, and she is definitely needed by her son. Usually the mother in Disney movies is evil or barely a part of the movie. I like how they made a new movie and the mother is taken seriously. It looks like a good movie!
ReplyDelete-Courtney Wolfe
In usual Disney movies, mothers are portrayed as evil or unneeded; however, in Mars Needs Moms, mothers are portrayed differently. They are seen as the sole protector and necessity in a child's life. Mothers are stolen from Earth to help raise children Martians because society and this movie entail that mothers are needed more than anything in a child's life. I take this very seriously and into consideration. A mother should be the one to nurture and care for a child and this movie emphasizes that very clearly.
ReplyDelete-Jess Lord
In disney movies, mothers aren't usually around. The child is either being taken care of by someone else or as the blog say the mother is either good, evil or nonmarital. The mother is never portrayed how she is suppose to be. The father is always made out to be the hardworking caretaking parent. In Mars need Moms, the aliens are kidnapping mothers to take care of their own children, and this is when the appreciation comes in. The mother is looked at as nagging their kids or making them go to bed or cleaning, when she is simply parenting. More credit needs to be given to women, especially the mothers
ReplyDeleteIn Disney films Mothers are usually dead unless it's a step mother in which case the mother is evil. I just got done watchint the trailer for Mars needs Moms and what I got from it is that Disney is finally making a movie that portrays the importance of Moms. But from the looks of it the Mom isn't going to be playing ahuge role in this movie either.
ReplyDelete-Abeer (Abby) Blan
There are few exceptions in disney films where the mother is either dead or there is an evil stepmother. I had not seen the mars needs moms trailer yet, I had heard of it but I didnt know what it was about. This movie portrays women very differently compared to other disney movies because it shows the moms are needed and how important that caretaking and nurturing children are. But i dont think that women should only be seen as caregivers, not all women want that, some want careers. However, I think disney is making some progress when it comes to their portrayal of moms.
ReplyDeleteAudra Wilson
Disney mothers are usually portrayed as housewives or soccer mom. They usually always doin something with the kids or some type of housework. You also have the movies where there mother is absent,or is seen very little during the movie. So mostly mother are less important than the father in disney movies. I havent seen the trailer for this movie but according to the blog mothers are seen as equal to a man and share the work. And it also show that women can be working mothers(outside the home) and still care and attend to their children and other duties as a women/mother.
ReplyDeletekerra jones
I haven't seen this trailor but it sounds to me that the movie portrays moms as heroic and bogus in a way. It's like with out the moms then everything a wreck but when they're there then everythings really strict, I dont see the balance at all in that. It's one of two extremes. Really bad or really strict.
ReplyDeleteIt is a rarity for mothers to be in Disney movies. Usually the mothers are dead and there is only the father or a step mother to take care of them. The blog that talks about mars needs moms is not correct when she says they are portrayed as good or evil because the only mothers that are portrayed as evil are the step mothers. As for mars needs moms the mother is in the begin of the movie portrayed as a nagging mom not allowing her child to have any fun. Then she gets kidnapped by martians because they cannot take good care of their children. So then the mom is portrayed as a heroin.